Wednesday, October 5, 2016

God With His Back To Us, I Saw This

God, Has Turn His Back, 1986, Day Forty-two 09/29/ of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                       

Jesuis, (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Profiting Hell, It Having Enlarged Itself, The Point Of No Return!
     The Evangelist, whose been in my life since I was a babe in Christ, my father in the Lord, I like to say, well this is how he said it, and as you read it, just imagine this is what Jesus said to Govern Pilate, just as he asked Him, what is truth? There is a "plague" called "sin" that is destroying this world and causing multiple hundreds of millions to be eternally lost. There is only one cure for that plague, and that is the precious atoning, Vicarious Offering of the blood, of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was done at the cross and our acceptance of Him.
     All the churches in the world will never stay the "plague."  All the good works, good intentions, money, religion, prestige, or education will not stop this plague of sin. Only The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ can, here symbolized by the "Alter," JSM, Exposition of II Samuel 24:25 imagine Governor Pilate further asked, "so who is this blood offering as you say? Then Jesus answers, poised skyward, "this world is not My Home, in My Father's house there are many mansions, there is no need of the sun there, for my Father is the Sunlight thereof, crystal streams and golden streets, and whosoever believeth in me and live, will with me reign as it's Heir.
     But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death, Rev. 21:8

     Forgive Us O God, see the only remedy to this sin plague here, Psalm 51

Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bring stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

    -A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue into Oct. 16, Apb
    -A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause here, as I'm uncertain of the year, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17 of 2016, with something bordering on an ELE, to happen American soil, by 10/2017, Apb
    -A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, (or twelve plagues), as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapter, hearing God call forth six slayers, or Moses 10 plagues, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
    -A Voice, "Nazi Moms! Parents have gone from being potential murderers, my prayer closet 1987, this genocide of their own children. That's with wicked devices disguised as modern technology, these weapons of mass destruction to being labored Nazi Moms. Horridly, these at the heart, masters of destruction, possibly why heart disease is being labored lady killer, see Acts. 5:1-11.
     -A Voice, "I have a bear, as in bear market, in 120 counties, even countries, 08/18/2016, the fall of financial markets nationally and internationally, see, hear and take heed here,

The Enron Attack Killed Many                                      

 The Slow Motion Exodus                                 

     I give myself away, by William McDowell, see here, is the lyrics to the song we were so blessed by a few night past, invited to and doing Wednesday night bible study. Though I never pleasured it, only it lyrics, what it's lyrics verify is the way I've lived my New Life in Christ since I was 27, never could've happen unless I as these lyrics lament, I'd done this, the apostle is citing the same, whenever he exclaim he is crucified with Christ and as a result he is born again, a newly hearted creature, see St. Jn. 3 and Gal. 2:20. You see most people sit in the front of purple faced pastors, those ever learning, this ritual of mass assembly of those continuously repeating themselves these rituals of men, with none or very few doing as the lyrics to this song say, give themselves over to total Christ worship.
    Shockingly you're be surprised how of them think this is ones individual choice, and it is, but it's also the first sacrifice one if to make in becoming the righteousness of God. Ah they can sing it, teach it, preach it and even for a short while believe and live it, until self and self seeking come and steals it right away, having it's own ways, doing it own thing, looking to be pleasing or pleasured by a world so miserable and wanting their company, and before they know how tremendously they've been deceived, they're opening their eyes in hell.
     Don't let the world, nor the thing in the world lead you, it's path despite how broad and how celerity, it is a path leading to the second death where your God who is longsuffering that none perish, has to see that he love cast into he dungeons burning with fire and brimstone. You see Apostle is leading you to do this very thing, to surrender all, meaning your life, your love your treasures, God who is beyond description faithful is now in charge of all of it and you, you're an empty vessel readied to be filled of all things Holy Spirit, a divine temple of God, worthy of all exception.
     Do you really, do you really give yourself away, so Jesus can now use you, remember he warn you, if you come, you must surrender all, and vow to endure your birth upon cross, this death, this dying for him. Also his people, which is the same thing, Jesus and God's Creation are one, prick him, prick them, we all suffer or rejoice accordingly, at God's will being done. 
     I know people it's not easy, and there was a time I would agree, but actually it is, what you're doing is allowing everything, a by Jesus finished Cross be reestablished in your heart, your soul God's will in you, for you being done, until you too is as Jesus. He was wounded for you, bruised, for you, the chastise of your peace is again upon Him, here is no rest for this weary world, all their additions in epidemic portion is proof of this; give yourself away, especially your heart, God get your heart, then His Will toward you is done.

Listening To Selah: "More and More Of You,"

He Is The One! Barack, Hussein Obama, 2008-2016

A Hussein Will Father This Nation, Apostle Bradford, 2003

     "Actually son Heus, it was Jesus, Jesus said there is one that would come, that as much as he was rejected, this man would instead, especially by Israel, be accepted. I was watching old footage of the, Father Evangelist, I'll call him, and he was describing how upon a dream, now doing a visitation to heaven he was bought into a certain place and he was shown the antichrist. Now as he was sharing this, remember this was old footage," with them all sitting the living area contemplating something worth watching, something keeping with holy spirits, all with the title, the Apostle Peter and The Last Supper, looking really good, "there was something so familiar about this testimony. "I was reminded of one of my visitation there, the one where doing a celebration in heaven, a holy one approached me, and he said, he want to see you, and I said who? And he said, Him, the next I knew I was standing before a mountain, from which an illumination like the sun emerged and spoke, "let my people go." Like a Moses, right mom, yes Kars, but much more, now is come our final deliverance, now is the Marriage Supper made ready, now by the blood of the God's Lamb, all have been made worthy if they believe. I am Kars also reminded of when John was told he wasn't in heaven to stay, that there were many others to which he had to bare witness, I feel my being carried beyond these celebrations was a moment like that. Now we know by bible prophecy and God's Revelations, there is one formation, even regardless of Christ's Cross, yet weighing down. That's standing this literal immovable, sore abominable guardian over God's people, the great whore of religion, so mom, this, well father evangelist, he saw this person clearly? So Heus, he said. In your dream, this man was revealed as, yes, then, Senator Obama, and that's Heus a possibility, I'm not saying they're the same, with Obama himself promising, He's the one, and proving it will be by watching his itinerary. Whereas mother you said he went on in real time and you watched Senator Obama visit other leaders of the free-world. Now mom, two consecutive terms later, the two weeks and seven years time table given expired, what did it all mean? We Agurus son know it mean the end, even the finale of the most volatile of end time bible prophecy that will deplete all rebellion, with the intrepid dream timetable giving us some ideal of how, when and to what degree, nothing to be left of it. Meaning the worse fall of mankind since, Jesus would say, Noah's earth, which seem to have been held back for these two weeks and seven years doing Obama's administration of giving the people what they've sown. It's like the people declining Jesus and crying instead for Barabbas and being awed and applaud when they get him, why I witness this world outcry for a Hussein to reign! Well using King Nebuchadnezzar, who started out this tyrant and end up this repentant, so mom it doesn't matter which of these two men or even at times, he's both in one. He could at first be this prince of Egypt, an accomplice to making profitable slaves of God's people and at the second this greatest of deliverers freeing them unto astonishing Canaan lands instead. I would think Tiffany, who you were at this time, will then determine of these varying men Holy Spirit was describing, because all men are weighed by their heart choices. Well Nicholas, and good insight, at the time I was a made a desperate world, having forsaken Christ, needing a world leader to throw off the yoke of this gone rouge and deadly, militarily political system of men. Which could explain his then describing himself as a people person, a person having genuine affinity for them, therefore I could trust him, like we both wanted the same thing. I must admit, which he has proven his two terms in office, all of which as well son proves he has like the mass majority of Christendom, gone their own devised way, having forsaken God. This you guys is the worse that could happen to any nation, for then there is only death. Spiritual at that, meaning every foundation, everything is now thrown down, and all is vanity, even a reaching for the wind, for vain mom is the help of godless man, vain and so, so deadly, and except Christ reign, even genocidal, Apb The RAM,

Whose Repenting To The God In The Mirror, With His Back Turn To You? See II Chor. 7:15, 16

     God has turn his back on the church, yes manners of alarms are sounding, America as an incorrigible whore had been given up, this is what God was showing, me, telling me, so long ago. Seeming my bath yes, but also my prayer closet so long ago, I was sanding here grooming myself, and the mirror took on a live vision, and there He was. There was God Himself, His Throne and all, and it was as though he'd been seen doing some remodeling and arranged his Throne with his back at them. Of course I felled on my knees immediately, but little did I know, that like what is being portrayed of the prophet Daniel, interceding for his entire country, people, despite where they'd been scattered.
     I was now doing the same thing, only my people wasn't just America, but the entirety of human kind, those rebellious tinkering and tattering on the verge of a third world war right now, that will spend them all into this final Armageddon, this will explain the Bride's forewarning by a hand writing not on the wall, but by texting messages, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on His Way.
     Get this, the day Jesus appeared to me, this was already happen, we've been living, the bride, in a post rapture, and the world in a thirty year, like grace period, until like as Daniel, we too, December 25, 2001, was given a time table, this finale I guess you can say, alternating his, Daniel's these 2000 years of Christ's Cross, it has since, these 15.10 years as of Oct. 2017, been labored the Intrepid Adventure,, I know very clever., even more clever, arriving us, the witness to especially westernize civilization, a present-day Mystery Babylon.
     God is striking, as he prophesied, Isaiah 13, see  as so Rev. 18, all by this off the assembly line one would say, of those in churches by the hundreds of millions, and it was all unto judgment, all 190 months, to 190 years of it, see Ezekiel, 4, and when you do, imagine, reference here is being made, that, that which is about to be sieged are the three branches of mankind, now found, beyond abominable, the wealth of the wicked, the reign of the rebellious and the churches of the rebellious.
     God is not mocked, it's all the sacrifices of the wicked. When Elohim appear to me my bedroom, the early nineties, like ten years beyond this mirror vision, spoke out clearly, how he would destroy America, and the next I would be running and hiding as I question whether he had this kind of power? Then all I hear then was this powerful, thunderous voice, I Am the beginning, I'm the End, I'm, I was knocking on the bath, after my husband shower by then. How could I have known, falling on my knees that faithful morning, pleading churches be given one more chance, that it wasn't churches for which I'd been praying, pleading but like Jesus' Cross, all the souls of men where now involved.
     Henceforth, all laid in the unbalance of all warring factions, all of the heathen raging when soon you hear God say, I am against you O Gog, (little horn, antichrist),   I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshach and Tubal, Eze. 38; you see, this is battle first on Jesus' itinerary , who return will be so extraordinary, it split Mount Olivet into a great valleys, through to a battled literally into extinction Israel who will once again and for a final time escape her enemies, ah my Christ who poised just above, some say about 6000, miles from earth, a trump, a shout, the archangel, as no territorial spirit want to tangle with him, and like fire rockets.
    First those fresh, and now glorified, corruption putting on incorruption, actually glorified bodies,  and this mortal, those living and remaining without sin, now putting immorality, glorified bodies as well, as Jesus was after he walked out of the tomb, and as zoom, we arrive to him, with him, forever, I know you all get tired of my saying it, but Holy Spirits have visited me these thirty years more about this blessed event than any thing else.

The Righteousness Of God

      You see, God being a Righteous Judge, who is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any perish, you think it was easy cursing the first man, husband and father, humankind blood lineage to death, and eventually what would follow, the second death? This is why not too many breaths hence, He made a promise by the woman seed, how from it and for the shortest duration, the nine months pre-birth, until delivery. He would project an enmity, to be fixed between Satan's seed, now cursed mankind, and the woman seed, a Holy Spirit. Here enabled to bear the sins now of the flesh and Eve's womb comprehended it well, one day she would give birth, this world One Savior, she would then be instructed to call his name Jesus, as he would save his people from sin. see II Cor. 15:24-25

     Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.  For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

    Now it all make sense, why He, Jesus was taking the bride out right then, He knew, just as He knew with the prophet Ezekiel, thinking I wanted to go, I thought, begged, you can yet hear me saying, send me! Send me! I remember it just as clearly, a babe, a greenie as some would say, had no ideal how hated, how despised, how mocked and abused, that I was asking to be martyred as Jesus by apostate assembly. This mean sadly and broken heartedly and why mass assembly was accused by Elohim crying behind a silence in heaven, of all the more stripping his people of Jesus Christ, and making the American Dream their god of worship. All of the sacrifices of the wicked instead of lifting Him, Jesus' up, because only His Cross, per God's Throne can draw all men into repentance, God's Will then done.
     These truth are all evidence, that though mankind has cried peace and safety across the wilderness of sin the entire earth is, all they've gotten generation upon generations is greater sorrows with pending cups of trembling, why Jesus unveiled them thieves and liars from the beginning. No, trials and tribulations are and will continue to escalate until there's no doubt we're in the greatest of them, seemingly without end. Still, only when Israel itself cry, blessed is he who come in the name of the lord, will this blessed Jesus return, having the righteous bride with him, take heed, only then. Thus the brides disappearance is so close, it has already been given it's heaven to throne commission, they've been committed to interceding for the Tribulation Saints.
     Miraculously, it went like this, as I stood my kitchen, preparing, Holy Spirit just begin to say, and I quote, Him, "soon the church bride, and yes he said, "church bride," how again, soon the church bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulations saints as the antichrist, (as recorded in Revelation 13), is given power to overcome them. This would be the conversation Holy Father is having, with the lamenting Saints, the fifth seal, under the throne, not discounting the mockery, persecution and martyrdom the bride herself, is, has and will until rapture these 2000 years suffered, why Jesus is prophesied, why he had wings when I saw him.
     The prophet Malachi labored them healing wings, scholars say he's actually describing the suns rays, stretched around the entire sky as this miraculous rescue and deliverance of the Bride, how additionally like them many will be, martyred. Given this astonishing commission toward the tribulation saints, is further proof, Holy Father is yet longsuffering toward man, which is why I yet bear this memory of my first time speaking in tongues, how I was in heaven, now I know, reigning there, like I witnessed of the Bride lately, I was standing in an open passway that spread itself arcoss the entire body of heaven and earth, and this unknown tongue, spread like a river basin just out into and upon them, this indescribable release of heart, soul and immortality, I didn't understand what it is I said, only what I said, was instantly understood by every tongue and language on the planet.

Apostles' Note, A Warring Syria

     Americans comparing death tolls brought upon the world public now whose joking? I Read behind an Iraqi elder, whose accuse America of having doing the Iraqi war alone, killed a million of it's civilians. According to her they injured just as many, and still left just as many homeless, see the Eurpeaon migration. This mean the most concerning thing, or extraordinary John did see and the must concerning in regards to mankinds continuation. I mean certainly if you listen, you can even hear the prophet Ezekiel, asking, crying at the performance of the slayers, will you God at this time destroy the whole house of Israel? Equally haunting, it will be John seeing and hearing the saints under the throne, martyred for their testimony, crying that God now take His Vengeance against every blood offender, whose winepress will run to the horses bridled, 175, 185 miles of it.
     You best hope, like that pouring from Jesus' side that day, it's talking blood mingled with water, regardless millions upon millions will die. Then this worse, God give this quivering at the heart respond, truly, if the righteous sacredly be saved, God reassures them their time will come, after their alike brethren, possibly you and I, are persecuted and martyred just like them. Now I know, if this is the fate of the righteous then where shall the unrighteous and the ungodly appear, having rejected Christ, wherein shall they be justified? This is why I totally shocked people lately, when I said, and I meant, it, Christians don't die, they ascend, this is what Jesus mean, whosoever believe in me shall never die; imagine the stock, they would eventually take up stones to stone him, only it wasn't his time.
     This is the rock of Peter, this impenetrable foundation of Christ and 12 did lay, I saw everything hat was church, that was man burn all around, it is the church I heard mighty lamenting, it has been cast down and literally destroyed, but the foundation laid by Christ, his holy apostles. This was the foundation Holy Spirits was explaining couldn't or wouldn't be touched by replenishing flames, how
they verifying, so I could understand why they needed an additional foundational Apostle, working in the midst of he people.  For they had a church sorely thrown down, with the smoke of it's burning now reaching up to God, that could be built righteous again because only the righteous had laid it, this cornerstone of faithfulness.
     We know by now this is all for the fulfillment of the week of Daniel, that mankind, the world final week of years vastly approaches, this is why a seven year old Caden was used to remind me to keep an eye on Truces that involved Syria, why a week prophecy was given just before the tittering on the edge Truce was made only a couple weeks go, it's further why doing an additional dream, demo, of the bride, being taken out, 06/25/2015, attention was then brought to PM Cameron, who would soon be ordering British troops Syrian Territory.  This is all, all the more, as I've been forewarning thirty years, but especially these last ten plus years, how the intrepid dream time table 2001.
     A bewildering time out, that has as well proven itself, not just a count down to the end of the meddling West, of the dispensation of Grace. Though as so the long embedded, outreach of the church age, they've all given place one to the other, the 69th of Daniel's week, gave us Christ's crucifixion by the Roman Empire, who them gave us a he church/church age, which eventually gave us the British Empire and a marred in ancient blood religion and what would soon be deem western civilization, which eventually spawn itself into newer territory this supposedly outreach of Christ, now for centuries gone rouge.
     For which you now hear, America, Britain, ordered to be separated into itty, bitty pieces, see King Nebuchadnezzar's image and Daniel's explanation, Dan. 2. They trying to escape hands washed of mountainous blood it's like Hitler having staged the massacred of millions, and thought there was some place, somewhere he could run, if you can't run from God, you can't run from anyone or anything, all things on this planet is a harvest season, corruptible or incorruptible just waiting, awake, beware as God himself, Apb, The RAM  

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