Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Like Noah's Day, This Normalcy Bias

Day fifty-one 09/19 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017; 2017/18-2024/25, see

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                       

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, Hope Amid Chaos, in Yemen, Christians face intense persecution from militant groups, such as al-Qaida, but they also face persecution from their Muslim neighbors. In June 2016, Muslims interrupted a small church gathering and beat up all of the men, sending many to the hospital. Despite this and other incidents of persecution, one believer said these difficulties are “encouraging believers to build the family altar.”
     Although local Christians must be careful about sharing their faith, many say the war has taken some of the pressures off their community. As a result, believers are becoming more united as they share resources and to meet together to pray and worship. Their Muslim neighbors are taking note of this love and peace, and asking why Muslims kill while Christians show mercy.
More Muslims are coming to Christ, too. A local ministry leader said, “Every two or three days we discover a new believer.” see more here, also see,

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

     A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
    There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
     There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
      Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own works of oblivion, 08/18//2016

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                                              

     -Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Like Noah's Earth, A Severe Case Of Normalcy Bias,

     Article... You may want to research "normalcy bias; (see Mat. 24, the days of Noah, Apb) it explains why people have a hard time excepting the true outcome of a situation that has played out the same way again and again throughout history, (see huge maze of a fallout shelter, millions stranded behind a single water cooler, Apb). I keep hearing from friends and family that the US is different (so thought the people of Ezekiel's Judah, Apb, Eze. 4, 7, 38, 39). That is true. The US is in much deeper sh.. (shtf Oct. 2017, Apb), than any country in history, (see woman bearing black bowls, Rev. 16, Apb), If you doubt that, watch the entire video. You cannot deny logic, Article...also see,
     Every supposedly weapon formed against God's people with Holy Spirits help I'm to take it and use it instead for their every help. It's no different than Jesus taking a cursed cross that was to Adam's physical and spiritual detriment into damnation, spilling righteous instead, redeeming all who will come. This is why Jesus from the beginning described Himself as the way, truth and the life, how no man, that's pastor, president nor pope can come into being an Heir to, in heaven except by Him. So my pointed question, who do you say Jesus is, and if you believe He is The Christ, the Son of the Living God, the only one plenteous prophecies foretold as "The One," to restore perfect peace, harmony and divine solidarity to this planet, get Him, get Jesus.

What About Bible Prophecy? God with His Back To The Church, A Beast Tearing Through It, The Bride Reigning In Heaven, Don't Fret, Trust, Delight And Commit, God Is Overcomer, see more here, as so

Article: Could this explain President Obama’s recent Executive Order — in which The Obama Administration, NASA, FEMA, DHS, DOD, and many other Alphabet Soups prepare for space weather events? Article...

Turf War! Rumor Of Wars, Wars Of Mass Destruction

    -So when Holy Spirits doing an additional demo of the Bride being taken out, and here pointing out, while stating and I quote, "its all about Cameron," this was before PM Cameron ordered British troops Syrian soil, see here, targeting ISIS leaders. Amazingly did Holy Spirits so perfectly nail the pending stakes of bible prophecy right along the pulsating pulse of world wars soon to spin it all into the battle of Armageddon, itself, bringing Jesus again to the earth.
     -Though, if Jesus Millennium is to follow Obama's this mean these blistering times have beaten war drums right into the final ending of that week of years proposed for the ancient, as of the prophet Daniel. So what's to happen? Well, right after Cameron move brought Russia back along it's allegiance to Syrian's Assad, what I immediately saw as this virtual countdown into the final, seven year peace accord, the ultimate sign of Daniel's week being realized. If you're thinking, while if we're talking the territories of Daniel's day, that we're talking not just Israel, but her blood relatives, neighbors, Islam. Then, you're right, but as this US General stated here, in order for this to happen, Syrian World Power, is to more than border on wars between the US and Russia.
     -I'm not giving you a play by play of what might happen but what by bible prophecy has happen these thousands years, all now come out of fruition and being fulfilled right here. That this dispensation, as so your generation, and Millennia  not so much has been chosen, but is entered into a long anticipated labor, agonizing fort of future events finally giving birth to the finale of all things ever proposed by God, not only concerning His Anointed but their relentless to rebellious enemies. I guess you can say God's heart is fixed, where Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, there is no undoing it, America must decease, that the final week of world rebellion since the fall of the first Adam is totally and completely finalized landing Jesus here, His Millennium, so you see, or you refuse and you don't see mankind's world that began with the first Adam's fall is finished, hallelujah to the Second, the last Adam, Jesus Christ, behold He's come for His Bride, Apb, The RAM  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Take Up Shield And Buckler, Avenge Our Blood

Your Trial or Error,

Day Fifty 10/08 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017, see Dan. 9, see also

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

    Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Don't Be Deceived, Emergency, Prepare Now! SHELTER  The first few hours are the most dangerous! Take cover as deep as you can go, layering anything you get your hands on, placed above you. A basement is ideal but not always accessible. What if you’re at the grocery store when an attack hits? Most likely your vehicle will not work when you venture out to head home (But only after the first few hours should you leave). Have sturdy, sensible shoes in your vehicle because you will most likely be walking a long, long way home. Also keep a backpack with essentials such as water, extra jacket, lemon drops (you’ll be walking quite a distance, not enough water to keep you hydrated) etc. in your vehicle as well as a luggage cart with wheels. (these things also handy for earthquake prep to keep in your car).
     Don’t go hiking home in camo clothing, you do NOT want to stand out. RETHINK what you carry in your vehicle EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU LEAVE HOME DURING THIS CRITICAL TIME. Can’t make it home & the air raid sirens are blasting? Get under a huge semi truck, under anything! A swift make-shift lean-to with pallets, just do NOT be out in the open for the wave to hit you. You’re home? Still, get UNDER as much stuff as you can. Later: No heat in the house? Set up your camping tent indoors, sleep in it, play in it, read in it, live in it to conserve body heat. NEVER set up the family BBQ indoors, you will all die. That is NOT an exaggeration. Do NOT use the gas oven to heat the house, with the door left open the thermostat cannot regulate and a lovely life-threatening fire will ensue.
     Have floor or ceiling heating vents? Get those covered up! you can use aluminum foil, wrap it around the vent from the underside. Then thick plastic over the top. Get a few rolls of heavy plastic to cover all windows, doors, a/c units ANY opening from inside your home/shelter. (don’t do this covering yet)WATER  Begin storing water NOW. It is bulky to store, the only thing that can’t be dehydrated, but it’s imperative that you stock up! Fill every conceivable container. Walmart sells 7 gallon aqua-tainers and they will be out of stock real soon. Get bleach that has no additives (scent, etc) use ONLY pure bleach. Add 1.5 teaspoons of pure bleach to every 7 gallons of water. Fill your washing machine, yout tub, water, water, water! If nothing happens, use the tub water to bathe in, clean the tub and refill it. This way you’re not wasting water.
     Same with your clothes washer. You might collect water from irrigation ditches or ponds for your animals BEFORE any attack, absolutely NOT AFTER, stored in a clearly marked separate container. Irrigation water is NOT fit for human consumption. If you have bottled water that has expired, use it for the animals, they won’t mind or use it for cooking. Do NOT throw any saved water out! And do NOT use water from any of your faucets after an attack! It will be seriously contaminated, as-in you will glow in the dark contaminated!  We’re not playing here.
FAMILY  Condition your emotions. For those who have adult children living in another state than you, or who are hundreds of miles away, you need to come to terms that you may not ever get together.
     Especially with an EMT: no phones, no vehicles, no email/text, no nada. Total rustic barbaric conditions. You will not be able to contact your loved ones. Plan for that, get your head wrapped around that. This will be extremely difficult! Provisions for a crowd, but figure you will go through this alone. Those with children, plenty of indoor activities: crayons, nerf balls, board games, cards. URGENT! see more here see also and here

    Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

     Article: On Friday, Barack Obama is going to sit down with his foreign policy team and discuss “military options” in Syria. As you will see below, the options under consideration include direct strikes “on Syrian military bases”. Russia has already pledged to respond militarily to any direct strikes on Syrian forces, and so the decisions that Barack Obama makes regarding Syria on Friday could literally be the spark that sets off World War 3. Article...

Take Up Shield Buckler And Stand Up For Our Help!

     I shared with you all, how doing a time in my kitchen 2011, Holy Spirits like they've done these thirty plus years, sticking closer than a friend just here start talking to me, and I quote Him/Them. "Soon the church Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist is give power to overcome them," as is recorded in Rev. 13. In Revelation 13 is also recorded the rise of two beast, one from land, one from sea, one is the false prophet, one is the Antichrist's finale, further of whose reign I witness 02/2015. I didn't realize it at the time, but these are the two beast I witness come out of prediction, as John, I witness one that rose from land, a relative. Then yet this other, from the sea, a distant relative, (man of sin), this was 2008, meaning it was around the time of Hussein Obama's first Presidential campaign.
      When Holy Spirits lamented to me, how we, now the ascended Bride would look down here from heaven, praying for the Trib-Saints, I didn't know that right here. Honestly, the Bride was being given her heaven bound assignment which is like Her Christ, to intercede God's throne of them now being come against. This revelation will give better light to finding myself, standing in a passageway  in heaven, looking down upon and praying, the first time I would speak in tongue, unknown to me, but spreading itself this divine message across the entire earth. Concerning those literally thrown down by the worse of mankind's enemies since the fall of Lucifer and the infiltration of His Seat among mass assembly, with Jesus knocking profusely at getting to them, if any man.
     It is right now, every since I crossed back into the house Sunday, 10/16/2016, a fulfillment of the 21 days countdown of 09/25, it's as though I've been possessed by Holy Spirits. That's to constantly be in my closet, on my knees of intercessory calling on heaven to take up shield and buckler and stand up for our help yes, but with the Bride any minutes from departure, this is with much concern about the Tribulation Saints help. Admittedly, He already know who you are, remember a once weeping John the beloved saw them as a great number that none could count. As well explaining the manner of divine, physically overwhelming census taking I found myself a party of only a few months ago, there were those who were marked, reminding me of the prophet Ezekiel version, his 9th chapter, where he witness 6 slayers summon by God from he higher gate north, and I heard lately a voice crying out and I quote, "give me twelve! Beware!
     -Scripturally, even prophetically this mean I, The Resurrected Bride, who are risen with Christ, have already begun to intercede God's Throne concerning especially the Tribulation Saints. I know how jarring to heart blood this sound, though further realize, the same Angel Gabriel appearing to the prophet Daniel, appearing to a young mother Mary, was now appearing to us, forewarning us, we're that generation, how can you yet ask, how serious is all of this, when God Himself put on flesh and preached to the Gentiles? see I Tim. 3:16. Though I've told you these thirty years most of it has been spent being demonstrated upon regarding this blessed event, even witnessing a trumpet being passed to the Angel Gabriel. That what we've experienced as the Bride is as She's living in a post rapture not only since Christ alike appearance, spring 1986, Though, since John the beloved ascended there after hearing a mighty voice like a trumpet lament, "come up hither," (as was said, thrice to Apostle P. A. Bradford, 1986-2016/17), even so come Lord Jesus!
     What am I telling you? I'm telling you, what biblical scholars have been unveiling concerning Revelation 4 to 19th chapter, whereas the Brides presence here is no longer mention, how until the 19th chapter it is no longer referred to as being on earth but in heaven, why Jesus laments to us all to remember from whence thou are fallen. So has it been since the Christ Lord Himself, demonstrated the first Resurrection into Ascension, since he lead captivity captured, the Brides fate is now in heaven, John see her, allied by Holy Spirits lamenting that we all "Come," the wedding supper has made itself ready. Heretofore, what Holy Spirits and She been seeing and laboring after here, has since then been the fate of the back-slidden to the rebellious, hence god knoweth the way of the Righteous (Bride), but the way of the ungodly, (unrepentant), shall perish.

Religious Bondage The American Dream               

     Seen to be sitting in an enormous congregation, before a bedazzling pulpit simply mesmerizing the people, when from the back of this celebrity hall comes a bellowing cry, a distress call, "pat, pat, help me pat," when I rise to see what's the matter, the Holy Spirit with me, mass assembly pretending, and ages later, I see the sunlight of God, He too is lamenting like to a deliverer Moses to this world Pharaohs, (religious leaders), "let my people go!"
     -Unendingly, Christ's own divine resurrection to glorification has always been as a whole armor about her, deeming her spotless, ageless and blameless, worth fighting and dying for, as should be he husband toward his wife. This is why I shared recently how Christ's Anointed don't die, they ascend, by this staggering truth is how Jesus was to make this surreal for all those present accusation, how whosoever believe in Him shall never die.
     -They all laughed Him to scorn, soon took up stones at Him, Holy Spirits, upon which the second death hath no power, can't die, they can only ascend to Jesus, not even the grave can prevent them, corruption will put on incorruption. Now upon this rock of ages, of Truth and Grace, Christ, His Holy Apostles have build His Church and not even the gates of hell has prevailed against it, got Him, got Jesus yet? Awake, be as aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see, 

     For many shall come to me in that day saying Lord, Lord, have I not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done wonderful works, and Jesus says but I will confess I never knew you, you that worked iniquity…JCON, see Mat. 7:21-23

Prophecy Link

What A Visual Phone Text From Holy Spirits Look Like,

      Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  Jesus in coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  Jesus in coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  Jesus in coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  02/17/2015, see also here,

Prick My Anointed, Prick Me, Jesus

     Libya's 21 Christian Martyrs: ‘With Their Blood, They Are Unifying Egypt’ 02/18/2015, so just like a young virgin Mary, who didn't realize prophets were prophesying about her, her life, these 21 martyrs, when they read John's version, of the reveal, by the 5th seal, the martyred saints, that they were reading about themselves. It wasn't until much later, I made the comparison, their horrid martyrdom, this beautiful, terrible cross and the divine beyond spiritual visual text messages shared above, not only reminding us.
     Well, Jesus is coming, but that He around the same time these 21 men were suffering and dying horribly for him, that He Jesus after thousands of years is now on His way here. Meaning, Jesus is closer to the earth than He's been since the early disciples witness him ascend, and heard it promised, them. That his same Jesus who ascended up from them, would in all like manner return, what they didn't tell them, is that they, as the Righteous Bride would be with Him, as the Prophet Zechariah describes, here,, beware, Apb, The RAM.

Help! The US To Venezuela, How Do You Prepare Domestic to  Zoo Anmials?  

     -I grew up in the country fairly poor, here was eight of us, a mother, an aunt and a Grand dad, Willie Lee Jones. We didn't have a farm, just some farm animals, some fruit trees and veins with berries on them, we had no running water, so rain water, water from pumps, or that we embarrassingly carried across the sub division from a relatives house. I watched my mother one time, this one time, break the neck of a chicken, bring it into the house, fill a hot boiling pot with it, and in a couple hours or so we would be having chicken for dinner. As I was sharing the article about the horrors of Venezuela right now.
      -Well, look past it being called a socialist government, America is an independent state, government that has slain the world of men, that is slaying the world of men, that will continue to slay them, if Jesus Millennium Reign wasn't preventing it's complete genocide of God's people. Now they think they're going to run to the deepest pits and highest hill with all the blood money of it, I wonder what the Angels of heaven think of this, already mocking how they place their names of that which isn't there's. They are so deeply ridiculous that it borders on the line of not just insanity but demonic possession, there is no running from God, great nations of men has tried it all and failed, just as America is right now!
     The nation of Venezuela, this unthinkable horror happening to them, has been happening American soil all my ministry, now thirty years. I've had to see this when none other could, I've had to listen to these terrors when non other would, I've had to experienced, as in suffer in their disbelief, to mockery, verbal persecution to just plain rebellion as they simply refused to believe that a loving God. One undoubtedly who is just as so a Righteous Judgment, threating to avenge mountainous blood guiltiness as of His Wine Press. Surely of them reaping, just this indescribable for millennium of abominations, of thinking although totally opposite God's word, promises and prophecies. Somehow unlike His Own Nature, they're not to reap corruption reaching past the heavens, of a blood harvest, their soil, repent or perish, Venezuela will look like a Sunday picnic, one I've seen the deadly Clinton's hosting, in comparison.
     Come to think of it, I was in a situation just like this, so desperate, an extravagant as America store, pennies in hand, just before I witness the highest sunlight. How mesmerizingly it shaped itself into a gigantic, blocking out the heavens above, diamond carved, crystal dove, aimed at rescuing the Righteous Bride right out of them This will further explain seeing a reigning mightily pale horse of disease, death and hell following, just as cataclysms; then those most hateful toward America of all nations, was there as well a world rule by Islam, whereas only the antichrist, Israel's literal destroyer could then follow, got Him, got Jesus Yet?

     Article: Could this explain President Obama’s recent Executive Order — in which The Obama Administration, NASA, FEMA, DHS, DOD, and many other Alphabet Soups prepare for space weather events? Article...

And Many Other Alphabet Soups, Prepare For Space Weather Events?

     I remember when God came to me, the early nineties, like to father Abraham concerning Sodom and Gomorrah, how he would destroy them, only now it was this end time Apostle, and the world system was America, The West. I admit I sorely doubted it, kinda like a wife Sarah laughed about it.  That is the last time Elohim had to raise His thunderous voice at me, send me sailing, "I am the Beginning, I Am The End! In other words rebellious mankind, all, would one day know, He is God and find themselves really mad about it, as is now.
     It wouldn't be until Christmas night 2001, like the Israel of old, being given a timetable as of Daniels prayer, now, well, America, blood guiltiness weighed, measured and found guilty, and given to this interceding Apostle. Well, now sort of like a Prophet Ezekiel, 4th chapter, it was given 190 months, totaling 15.10 years expiring into cataclysms only a year from now. 
     America is ending for 190 years of it, just as is predicted his article in only a matter of minutes; I know this, it's coming, an ELE type of disaster and America, The West is no more. The church Age is ending, as so the dispensation of grace which allowed it, as so what has given place to America, the West, now it all must decease, on to Daniel's final Week, Syria, and the final Antichrist, Awake, Apb, The RAM, see also

Monday, October 17, 2016

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

Your Trial or Error,

-Day Forty-nine 10/07 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/ a week before the last Syrian Truce, 08/25 a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus, "all you 're saying Gabion is that I'm good at dying, I know, I know," seeing them all flabbergasted, just as they imagine, even putting their lunches aside for now. "My grandma Maaseiah said that to me and like you I was completely floored, but look at BFA he get it totally. Yeah, well every time Jesus now risen from horrible death asked Peter do you love me? He was in all essence asking him, how good are you at dying for me, at putting self to dust, fans and flames the only authentic love, even love affair. It's also in all likeness of what He ask of us, you see true love is what set Christ and His Anointed apart from all illusionist on this planet, the heart, where God's judgment doeth lie, a delusion doeth not make, you can't fool God, ah, ah!" They all agreed happily, "remember what Jesus said to Ananias, sending him to then, Saul of Tarsus? I will show him what great things he will suffer for my stead. How can you get anyone to follow you, and they telling you, you will deny self, you will suffer a cross, you follow me, you have chosen the greatest of tribulations and martyrdom? Just think if self and selfdom denial was the commanding requisite for attending church assembly, instead of envy and strife waiting at the door. Extraordinarily at mortifying the flesh, there's charity, this rending of the fleshly heart, that you couldn't attend no other way, how many would be turned away? Yeah like they turn from Jesus the more they learn about His form of non-violent righteousness, of forgiving and praying for ones own enemy. Ok Mir man, but most wouldn't care about checking their corrupt hearts at the door, you forget these people have learn to handle sin like a marvelous coat. They are the Ethiopian Skin, they are the Leopard's Spot and they're proud of it, sin is especially denominational, it has by design been made that easy. It's well, gospel, God is going to love you, regardless, yeah Gabion man, even while you're being tossed into hell, and that is what they refuse to get, I mean, Jesus' primary message was I love you, repent or perish! Justly, evenly as your Maaseiah grand Amir lamented lately about putting oneself to dust, whose fan she said is in Jesus' hand, she said it's what Holy Spirit said to her. That she was busying about this day, soon heard Him say strongly, "self need to be pound into the dust," that she was thrown, as she was when he questioned her, carrying so entirely after a baby, that He said, was supposed to be dead, again, self and self seeking. That she then thought, ah, like a seed, like Jesus' teaching on the grain of wheat, how it can't reproduce a great harvest until it goes into the earth, the dust and die, mankind's Amir first ever birth, now reborn, from death, to death to Resurrections of Christ. That's going back to what John the Baptist described as the difference between water baptism and being baptized in the spirit, one is symbolic, the other Holy Spirit, one replenishes by water, sin remain, the other by fire, sin as gold itself is tried, you rise finely polished, and it just pours out of him just like that, yeah," as one reservedly taking a sip of his cup, knowing how greatly God's grace, knowledge was upon him, both this sweet and bitter, "I know. Isn't that you guys what got Sia Allum shot? Yeah well according to the shooter's friend, he called it all ridiculous, even as is prophesied, foolishness, which Gab man is why the Apostle Paul described all believers as fools for Christ; even still as those willing to be prisoners and even martyred for Him, if it's to get others redeemed. Yeah well I tried that on a guy the other day, so proud of his out reach, how he felt in danger at times, so I was like, not even thinking, well if you die ministering Christ, you'll just ascend and be with him, the kind of look this guy gave me, he thought I was crazy. Yeah Ash man, like Peter bragging, remember? One moment, he'll suffer all manner of calamity as Christ's witness, then just as soon denying him thrice before the cock crowed once. It's normal, death is one thing, being suddenly faced with dying, this death penalty, that is all together different. Yeah, grand Maaseiah said, like being threaten with a cliff and actually being pushed over it, even if you're not afraid of death, you're still screaming your face and head off horribly until your end, then Aggie you're with Jesus, right? And there's no more terrors forever, perfect love casteth it all out? But you guys, the ungodly are not so, I know, man I know, that scripture just rose in me, but the ungodly are not so, Psalm 1 right? Because unrepentant mean they have hell on earth regardless of how they call it America's dream, and then it's on to hell and indescribable horrors forever.  Look did you all know there will be open portals to hell all around the earth this reminder of what it is we've been saved from, I read that the other day, this summation of the last of Ezekiel's chapters. As so there will be various forms of sacrifices to Christ, to remind us constantly what He has suffered in our stead, so life in the new heaven and earth is going to be so, so glorious and as well, so serious. As Mir man is New Africa, the reapers, and the hill, Negeb Ophel, right? I'm so anxious to tell you guys something, but it's not this proof, so if I do, you must keep it until, well, you know, ah the wife, Brave, think she might me pregnant, we find out noon today, ah man that's great, my boy is doing something right! They all begin to celebrate him, one another, as they were all either fathers or those like Beethoven Fifth Artz pending. "Hey, hey, hey," with innocent hands, a worried look going up, and all around, this urgent reminder "keep it down, it's not final, wow Beeth man in less than a year you could be a father, yeah, yeah I know! Beware, Apb, the RAM, see here,

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Death, Dying, The Goodest Shepherd,

     In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jammed a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb

What About End Time Prophecy?  The Grim Reaper, Gone Fishing

     -After 21 days passed the 09/25 forewarning, landing us at 10/16 of countdowns into Daniels Week, continuing. I stumbled across this video, only learning it's dated perfectly so, again, 10/16. You won't know what's going on as Alex Jones keep saying, because unless you believe in biblical prophecy and is blessed accordingly, you're never figure it. This is why 1998, not only were mass assembly commanded to get back to repentant alters, but to learn of end times events, a darkness was coming.
     -Satan is determined to undermined the Genesis, The Genome System and the earth all of which would make the God man non-existent, he know this, now so do you. Of course he has felled/failed, but the most heart breaking is that he's taking millions of unbelievers with him. Remember despite what their names are, how they're being used, at the very root of all of it is the last, final Jihad destined to destroy all that Christ's from the earth.
     -Enemies God is furiously making Christ's footstool, that once the Bride is moved  out of the way He, Jesus will all the more trample them into the earth this righteous blood harvest, into the dust whose fan is in His Hand. This is the end time battle always in mankind's future, now its long anticipated arrival, don't fret Jesus has said, these are all things which must come to past, if you don't have him, get him! Apb, The RAM, see more here, 

Wars And Rumors, Jesus Is Come

     -No, there is no God coming to the rescue, He did that by giving us thousands of years of outreach of Christ's Cross, hence Jesus lament, remember from whence thou has fallen, do the first works, repentance. That even while you are yet sinners, Christ died for you. No America, the West are to understand for the final time, this is why Holy Spirits. They keep bringing us to being reminded of the times of Ezekiel, the fourth chapter. whereas this sorely obedient prophet was lead to design a visual and physical demonstration of a seizure by the enemy that is soon to come, see,
     -An alike siege for America, of being given over to the enemy in 15.10 years. That will climax into surmountable cataclysms this time next year of 2017. A judgement which came Dec. 25th, 2001, and to be honest Holy Spirits haven't looked back regarding it. Though on forward to the final week of Daniel, that's to follow, the end of all biblical prophecy. This truth is a stronger than ever evidence of why the Angel Gabriel appeared lamenting not only all unto fulfillment, but the seventh angel.
    -The entirety of heavens host, 24 elders and all are now behind the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet celebrating all nations, kingdoms, all rebellion now in control of God and His Christ,  and this is, forever. This will explain why like these gentlemen's here and alike forewarnings of these approaching troubles seem all to admit how they're to be their worse unto a point of no return because clearly they are.   
     -I, this end time Apostle, need you to mostly see the stinging reality is these approaching horrors US soil here, and western allies abroad. Like the tines if old, they have been weighed, measured and found lacking, (guilty). There is then nothing but repentance, death and hell to be had for all those refusing to resign from their rebellious stance.
     -This is John, seeing the fall of Mystery Babylon/America and God lamenting, come out of her my people. Meaning all mass assembly get your condemn selves to alters of Christ's Cross, nothing but the blood. It's whole armor of God, ever could and can now safeguard, you, being the only good shepherd, death, ever, Jesus, get Him! Believe this Apostle, this was, is and will go down as Americas oblivion, Obama, explaining Jesus' Millennium following his. Just this all time has lapsed for Her, Millions dead US soil, America scenario from the beginning.
-Of their Ameriexit, 2001-2017, The West, all per his, the Beast, two weeks and seven years Administration. So much sore, God, now being finished with Her, He has now turn the attention of all bible prophecy to the final "Week," of Daniel. As I said, without this week, there is no return of Jesus, no defeat of the Antichrist, so man's genocide continues. Though it's why the heathen rage, there is no Millennium Reign of Christ, nor God's kingdom to follow. Hence the vital importance of Gabriel's 2004 forewarning, all fulfillment is now upon us.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Steve QUAYLE We Are Witnessing End Times

Reaping Supremcy And Selfdom Sown

Your Trial or Error,

     Day Forty-eight 10/06 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017, see Dan. 9, see also

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

     -Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, what did I see? I saw the Bride now reigning in heaven, I saw that she had in her possession the stone cut out without hands, Dan. 2. I saw that it had the surface of a Meteor, (see Niribu, at least coming for us, these last thirty years). I saw, heard that when she released it, I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the antichrist murderer," 02/14/2015, Apb, see

Reaping White Supremacy, Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone!

     -I was talking to a young lady recently and suddenly she said, you have a lot of black in you, and stun I said, I am black and she began to argue with me, no you're Indian and I'm like, no, I'm black. This is the way it has been for me all my adult life, European people think I'm Indian, Cherokee, preferably. Latino people think I'm one of them, to the point they will swear I speak their language, I can't. There are black people who just think I'm mixed with one of the many; as a matter of fact I had an alike argument with an Arabian male lately. One who too argued I was Indian, would swear to it, then said, what are you? And I said, proudly, I'm African American and he just started laughing.
     -I didn't get it until now, how about you? Being born American mean you have no specific ethnicity and that God the Supreme creating one man, both male and female, both husband and wife. That Adam the first and the last were to procreate naturally and spiritually accordingly, well lets just say, it's what Elohim in the beginning intended. One new man, no longer judged by their ethnicity, status nor gender, meaning a naturally born male, a naturally born female, divine marriage, no mutants, sinners will not enter God's Kingdom, see St. Jn. 3, Romans 1st. Chapter. 
     Understandably, God is not limited by either of them, born cursed mean Jesus is now mankind's blood lineage, how here is eternal redemption, Jesus the last Adam, get His sacrificial Blood (divine seed, spirit), in you, be perfect as your God in Heaven, no more a partied, (evil divorce). Herein my grands will tell you how disappointed I am about the many networks they watch today which are just as inundated with white supremacy as it was when I was a child and I'll be sixty years old soon, it is both mind boggling and heart breaking.
-Now there's this supposedly plague of non-whites going natural, the nappy, kinky, branded and excreta look, only you go back to the 70's 80's even the 90's and white hair was just as so kinky. Just as wiry, wavy, and curly than flat, straight and sooooo, Barbie-doll illusionist, delusional. Herein encouraging this more natural look toward one and not the other is just another form of racial profiling. Lest I forget, going bald now isn't just for males anymore, now I admit, most of the networks have become ridiculous with lengthy hair.
     Though, going completely bald, this potential epidemic, there was a time long, healthy, silky hair on the virtuous woman was considered to be a blessing from God. Whereas the woman's hair, acting as a virtual cover, who is now Jesus Christ, again, who is now Jesus' Cross, was thought to be her glory, this new age is just another sign of a possession into antichrist permeating the nation. Any manner of prejudice or racial profiling is a way of justifying fear and intimidation, all my children learn from all these years of white supremacy viewing is white is glorious and non-whites, mostly female I must add.
     A non-white, or should I say, black males are hardly anywhere to be found except where there's police shooting and gun violence, whereas those black males who are allowed, are so unattractive in comparison to their male counterparts. So all mankind, being of one genome, one of each-other, means being prejudice is just wickedness. Again, all non-white children learn from these hours of unfair viewing is they're second to last, to none existent to being counted as having any worth.
     Soon, you just have to come to the reality, reaping supremacy (corruption), sown Americans just can't help it, they see colors and that's natural, Only they judge accordingly which is a kind of Satanism, always ruining them. This is the heart break, melting into the bowls and all, they being a nation, even a world rooted and grounded along this multicultural existence from the Genesis; now this blood lineage turn religious (Satan's Seat), to unending turf wars and civil upheaval. Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see
Your Trial or Error,
Day Fifty-seven 10/15 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017, see Dan. 9, see also

Mystery America, Who Hath Bewitched You?

-Holy Spirits been trying to tell you, worshipping the American dream, or any man ill-gotten systems of men is a form of mental breakdown, right into them now seating the Antichrist. The free-world is just another form of calling evil good and good evil, of worshipping the creature over the creator, it is death and after death, there is judgment and hell, there is the second death. These truth of Jesus forewarning how all that had gone before us were thieves and liars, like right now, here and all over this nation, sadly of those who hold the entire political and financial world in a shaky, quaky balancing act. 
-There Is this season of political warring over whose the best political candidate to be America's next top President, when prophecy has made it clear, Daniel week will follow the Obama's Administration, meaning beyond comprehensible desolations especially here.  Just as so, All while Holy Spirits are forewarning to instead, pound it all, every bit of it, for every bit of it has caused a fury to rise into God's face, see Rev 18. Just this rebelliousness and He's about to strike it's soil in all likeness of all ancient abominations. Here additionally, pound all Religion, Politics and Selfdom, this triple evil into the dust, no more sacrifices of the wicked, meaning on to repentant alters with it, or like other great nations perish, perish, perish, hell hath enlarged itself! Awake, Apb, see here,

America, God Turn His Wrath On Thee!                   

     Comments: Imagine living in an America, on the verge of WWIII but the country is totally unaware. No need to. We're There, see here,

     -Again and again and again, this will explain seeing Obama's administration being followed directly by Jesus' Millennium, and death tolls US soil, reaching past the heavens with both his and Clinton's name on them. None of what's happening, the breaking and setting of records of every aspect (forewarn 1999, Apb), of what is America and or the world would be happening if my prophecies, and others, these thirty plus years wasn't so accurate. Believe this end time Apostle, see Ephes. 4, it's 1998 all over, I'm standing before the church elders who can't see any of  these clear and present dangers/genocides, as they're mentally and heartily bogged down in church ordinances.
     -I tell them war is coming, they think I'm a mental patient, I go on, one enemy US soil is Arabian, one enemy US soil is an Asian Invasion, I've spent several nights seeing this. I then come out of these dreams and visitations with words l like warsaw, westworthy (guilty), and epidemic, even a mighty lamenting, "asteroid destroy Wisconsin." Which will further explain seeing a pale horse judgment, and if that isn't the worse, here lately, a woman bearing black bowls, meaning the seven vials of Rev. 16, see  The worse trials and tribulations this world has ever seen with Jesus promising to cast all those in bed with unrepentant sexual promiscuity ( see same-sex marriage vote), right into.
     -Now we understand the warning 2011, of our, well my grandchildren, then 3 years old destined to grow up in an occupied America. Just before Obama's Whitehouse and regardless that Saddam Hussein was being hunted down for execution, just one horror of many of America's, the West blood guiltiness they're now reaping, war mongers can't cast out war mongers. In the spirit world, I was brought to see, as so to marvel at a world outcry, not that Jesus Come, so should say every alter, tongue, tribe, kindred, Pope, President and people all around this nation, world.
     -Although, that a Hussein reign, now it's Trump or Clinton, meaning a lesson yet haven't been learn here, regardless of this foolishness to delusions, Jesus is no longer coming. Though perhaps besides planet X and equally explaining this steamy weather is that He's only so many thousands of miles above this earth, awaiting us. A fullness of time, a shout, the trump of God, and finally praise be to a hallelujah Christ, right to Him we arrive, the Spirit and Bride for thousands of years now, sayeth come.
     -Herein, the commission to mark 17 and 7, 2003, how said wars and rumors were "One Error/Era into a New fear factor," possibly Jesus's Millennium, see Psalm 2. All of which would only reiterate Jesus' forewarning how these times would be like the days of Noah, only now He's the ark made cursed to Blessed, Risen Savior, may repentant alters of every aspect be inundated with getting to this Blessedness. There isn't much time left, the more this earth, these heavens, this soil, mankind authentic mother, is threaten with nuclear war, the more certain the Bride's escape is right now this very moment; so whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, Christ, Jesus shall be saved, Heir to God's Kingdom Come.
     -The prophet Malachi saw this phenomenon of an escape as the Sunlight of God arriving with healing in His wings, while I this Apostle equally witness a Christ of Resurrection with healing wings, 1986-2016./17. I also Witness this grandiose rescue instead shape this Sunlight into a huge, blocking out the sky diamond carved, crystal dove, on to snatching Her right up, this temporary ay the investigative heavens not that far away, where I equally witness missiles raining down, got Him, got Jesus yet?

Ever Learning But Never Repenting

   -I know, been hanging around my grands church lately, seeing where their leaders heads at, as so the members and nothing has changed. They're totally clueless, more concern with Trump taking the White House, than Obama's White House with a Clinton pending taking the world into Nuclear war, beginning here with an Asian invasion on US soil, I've seen this, 1998, the enemy was Arabian, see 911.
    -Surely, when God threaten unbelievers with strong delusions, believe me, the spirit of being so lackadaisical toward this enormous threat is that. I've been on my knees of intercessory prayer every since, pray with me, God's Will alone be done here, I totally trust Him!
     -In the mid nineties when Holy Spirits showed me this enormous bringer, rider of death, loosed right from beneath the earth. I agree they instructed me not to fret, rather trust, delight and commit, but showing me this meant I as well as all I would bear witness were to at least be forewarn. I was told this grim reaper enpowered regardless of Christ's Cross, was being send against the abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God.
     -So this mean regardless of how the people see and sing hallelujah, God's see nothing but their abominations unto unrepentance dressed in assembly with hopes He can't see nor detect their sins, (see Mat.7:21-23), come out, repent! God has measured, tried, judged and sentenced America's sin 2001-2017, and they're so horrendous alters themselves are being called into repentance, herein, cataclysms are here. Awake! Apb, The RAM

Friday, October 14, 2016

His Hem, His Stripes, His Wings, His Deliverance

Your Trial or Error,

     Day Forty-seven 10/05 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017,  see Dan. 9, see also,

     -Jesuis ( I Am, We Are,), Jesus Christ, I began a conversation a day past with grand son Darius Nigel concerning election 2016, commenting how it will be the most important of America's History, then I caught myself. I said, now, actually, that was the Obama Administration, eventually being described, yet Senator Obama and I quote, as "the one," upon whom further, that once he is become President, he is given and I additionally quote, "two weeks and seven years all expired months now. 
     -If this is not the most alarming, only just last year, 2015, I saw by curious versions of Christ's Millennium which followed His, Obama's assuring us undoubtedly His, despite 2016 election, which should be a nation wide, even a world wide call to repentant alters of Jesus Christ. A return to Godliness sorely suggested by Holy Spirits 1998 concerning, now get this, mass assembly, it's as crystalized as I saw cataclysmically become of the skies above, breaking apart, crushing it all, Obama's is the last reigning American President.
     -Now as I was saying, by this time doing the 08/09 elections I'd had more dreams and visions regarding the antichrist than at any time ever or ever since, I guess you could say biblically, not since the days of Daniel, of John the beloved has there been such the reveal, only now into fulfillment. Whereas the beginning of 2015, come to just now think of it as Obama's time table expired, I witness both the fulfillment of the Antichrist reign and the stone made without hands that's to crushed it, them to dust, all of it. I mean these end time biblical events are so apparent I believe we're looking at a play by play fulfillment of what John is seeing when he witness, Rev. 17, the great whore of Religion, America/the West, riding the beast, again the beast, the antichrist, I witness rise to power just as the Obama administration come into fruition.
     -Though right now, 2008, doing one of these demonstrations I got to know the coming little horn, not only as the world 's potential greatest apostasty unto the final Antichrist rise. Oddly it was as a husband, even a loving father, indeed there is a thin line, more minisule than we're to imagine, even for Jesus the night of Gethesmane, even as God's throne wane in his historic balancing act of indecision. There is a thin mark indeed between obeying the flesh and obeying the spirit, Jesus' lesson, the spirit (faith), is willing, but flesh, (fear) is weakening, even terrifying.

And I Will Pour Out Of Spirit Upon All Flesh

    -All mankind has a spirit that is given to him from God, God's purpose of the spirit is to be by Christ bloody cross. Into resurrections himself, made and mold us, mankind, that's measured by our obedience of him, into Holy, acceptable Spirits of divine truth going on to be glorified by Him, now His Reigning heir. So every second we're on this planet we're in a mode of decision making, this earth every second passing into a new heaven and planet. For example, the record some say thirty years now of our government knowing, of planet X, that has been prophesied by nearly every famous religious sect for thousands of years. Even as I hinted lately, how it. planet x could've been what John is seeing, AD 96, as an emerging new heaven and earth.
   -There is now a better understanding, how all knees will bow, that all mouths will confess, that's worship on this planet has always been about this God of all God. Even of His now being ordain Lord of lord and King of all kings, the world entire government shall soon be upon him, His Millennium Reign. Elohim would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He, Elohim would destroy America, you see right now, desolations insurmountable are clearly all round us, instead of confessing these evils and seeking God's forgiveness. I mean as Americans celebrate, in God's very sanctuary one man proposing marriage to another, and yet another, more celebrity type, a well known TV network introduction of the first transgender child actor.
     -I know what the people of Ezekiel's day said, soon throwing their gold and silver away this worthless treasure, of seeing Jerusalem Israel, being  just so like America, they thought themselves, exempt. It's as though they've blocked it all out, eyes, ears, tongues and heart of recognizing evil. God once lead, I mean if it wasn't for promises first made of the woman seed, and Noah's house, counted as a manner of this righteousness being done. Elohim because of these threatening evils, as is Jesus right now this very second, threatening to kill the offspring of all those unrepentant of these evils; justifiably, was a loving Elohim now being lead to the virtual genocide of mankind.
     -I know according to Paul's epistle to the Romans, how because of these alike immoral evils, God simply decided to give this wicked to evil disobedience to the rebellious up, they are accursed. Still you have to remember, especially sexual abnormality is now the authentic attempt of Lucifer in the beginning purposing to mutate into a complete disintegration the God man. Simply because Elohim, having, brought an Almighty God of all mankind is to survey of this planet, of the entire universe and beyond had come nearer than ever to a more Carnate existence of Himself. That's of using the woman seed to do this, to birth Himself, a flesh and blood potentate for mankind, saving Him from a damn as Satan and all fallen Angels fate, Jesus the Christ, Son, Of God.
     -If ever Jesus' accusations ringed/reigned true about the satanic to demonic to religious movement the rebellious actually serve, as god, as the American Dream. The ropes of continuality, which have no authentic ending, except you like a betrayed to betraying Judas Iscariot is found instead dangling from them. Like in days of Noah, is a reason for God to wrath, America, it's whoredom giving into whoredom across this entire world of mankind.  That God, yet this longsuffering with mercy, that while you're showing yourselves these greater to greatest of abominations, these many days into millenniums. In the midst of ending it all, Mystery America's fall, yet you hear him cry, get ye and yours out! I, Jesus, will cast you into a bed, (sick bed, see first and second kings, Elvis and Michael), they lovers into great tribulations (see Hiv/Aids, see worse troubles ever), except ye repent, and I will kill your children with death (see infant mortality, drug addition, unto an epidemic of violence, beware, Apb.

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

     -There's Something about the number 45, I had the 45th day blog laying in wait at the time, as so did I get the figure 12, today being the 11th. Even right now, as I open my daily bread, I see right away, Oct. 12th, is where the tear/rain drop from heaven my ceiling 2015, see left a splatter print on the page from where I was sharing, desolations are come continuously repent, see here, St. Mrk. 4:21, see

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                 

     -Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant                                                      

Touching Jesus' Hem, Deliverance                       

     -We learn from the book, the story of Genesis, from the fall of the first Adam, husband, wife authentic bloodline of mankind, Elohim God is now explaining who he would make of himself flesh, and become a blood redemption for, now regardless of Adam's disobedience cursing us, the last Adam of mother's eve womb hath saved all those and I'm sincerely to say, only those who believe in and has repented their accursed reality to him, there is then only one group of people on this earth, and that is those who worship the devil having refused Elohim's greatest of all eternity giving into eternity blessed sacrifices of the only blessed death which is in Christ Jesus.
     -Just as the Minister doing revival las night kept pointing out that God was about to bring us into the greatest ever of a fantastic season, he of course was talking about the achievement of the American Dream. Seemingly by the way of more magnificent lives, lands and churches, all of which doing the mid nineties, the Death Rider vision the Holy Spirit described as apostate, all of it, having forsaken God days without numbers. As the many celebrated the gaining of more worthless treasures, although I appeared to be doing the same, it all reminded me of the Angel Gabriel designing us, yes, you Millennial's the ones of all biblical prophecy fulfillment, he most of all lamented, meaning all of it and that was twelve years ago and counting.

Double whammy: Why Millennials are doomed                                   

     -You have to see one thing, how doing the fulfillment of all biblical things, the first thing of these now have to be what Holy Spirits as an entire since the Christ of Resurrection, once explaining this phenomenon of an event upon which He is Lord, to Lazarus' two sisters, before raising him to life again. He, Jesus the spring of 1986 appeared to me, demonstrated this Phenom of a Blessed Hope to me, and since then, these thirty years it is the most by dreams, visions, vistations from heaven and my continue ascension to them, that majority of what I've seen.
     -This highly anticipated divinity of a rescue has all on a regular bases been about Jesus Himself capturing away the Bride, so you Millennial is that generation and only by your unbelief and a virtual outbreak of suicide are you doomed, and after that, judgement unto the second death/damnation, get Him, get Jesus!

Worshipping At The Hem Of Jesus' Garment, It Twilight Time

-Now last night, as a near to blind woman singed, now her cross she's to bear for him, or so she think, and all my Christ in heaven can she sing! I begin to imagine the woman with the issue of blood, a plague all of mankind is born to. All of mankind has an issue of blood called sin and Him, the Jesus she called Him, this single potentate for them.
-So I begin to imagine this woman singing was her, Veronica, and just how low to the ground was she, where this mob trampling and scrambling all over her thinking if only she could but get to his, Jesus's hem? Now she, this authenticity of all repentance, to lay on your face this worship, this prayer of asking forgiveness, of healing cursed blood, into this miraculous divine regeneration, Heir with Him.
     -Of course I begin to wonder, the last time I found myself at Jesus' hem, even as to kiss His Feet, this beyond amazing event. Meaningfully, I already knew what this made desperate woman was feeling. To be this close to Jesus, this seeming bottom feeder and just as suddenly lifted up to realize you're surrounded all around by Him, by Holy Spirits, it's Kingdom Reign. 
     -That's actually with Him, with Jesus, now standing the mount of Olivet, a twilight is come, but evening it shall be light, Jesus second coming, allied by the Bride. Reading to destroy the antichrist aim to destroy Jerusalem, and here is this incalculable for millions of years Heavenly Gathering, of Christ's Anointed and the Armies of heaven, Get Jesus, Get Him!, See here,


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Like The Days Of Noah, Sodom, and Mystery America

Your Trial or Error,

Day Forty-six 10/04 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017,  see Dan. 9, see also

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

-There's Something about the number 45, I had the 45th day blog laying in wait at the time, as so did I get the figure 12, today being the 11th. Even right now, as I open my daily bread, I see right away, Oct. 12th, is where the tear/rain drop from heaven my ceiling 2015, see left a splatter print on the page from where I was sharing, desolations are come continuously repent, see here, St. Mrk. 4:21, see

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                 

-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant

     -Please don't do that, don't tell me more and more people are coming to church, they been doing that forever, tell me more and more are falling on their faces, or getting into their crawl spaces all after him, after Jesus! Do you know the kind of phenomena relationships you can create with God, getting after Him, seeking, knocking, asking in this manner, this divine privacy, even our heir with Him, deity. It's Jesus by God's Revelations seeing himself standing on the outside of Church Assembly, Satan's Seat, of Religion bruising His Heel, but here Jesus is, knocking at them so tremendously distracted, crying, if any man!
     -If we say we hath not sin, we lie and do not he truth, but if we confess our sins, when King Solomon prayed for the people, Elohim instructed them to repent of sin, when the prophets prayed for the people, Elohim instructed them to repent of sin, when the Holy Apostles of Christ prayed for the people. Actually John the beloved took it a little further, described the difference between two types of people on this planet, and no being baptized is not another form of salvation. A broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart puts selfdom to dust, Jesus already warn, how those straddling the fence (lukewarm) are yet cursed.
     -He, John explain how there are children of the devil, you know them as they are those, all the more church goers who practice sin, and there are children of God, you know them, as the seed, or Holy Spirit remain in, or anoints them and they no longer practice sin. It's like Paul's inquiry, if you are dead to sin, again dead, how can you again live therein? I like to say the book, especially of Ephesians, unveiling our maturity, you have to be born-again, is then describing Christ, Christian membership, working until all men are made perfect in Christ Jesus, go and sin no more, be reborn.
     -While the book of essentially Jude is describing a church, churchian membership having return to the doctrines of black hearted men, their wicked rudiments and commandments crying aloud Christ Jesus isn't the fulfillment of the law unto salvation, when by His Righteous Blood, He Alone Is. There goes the argument, though God created the laws man had to obey them or die, though God also created Lucifer, but like him, the laws of Moses in the hands of black hearted men had all become a type of religion, those soon driving the nails; so an evil emerged that God didn't intend and they'd by these wicked works, devices been destroying God's people for centuries.
     -Jesus, who not only made the foundational Apostles, to the Apostle Paul/Epistles, to the Righteous Bride at present; Jesus wasn't born under their perverted laws to resign to them. Though to fulfill them, now Holy Spirit and Truth whom the Father seeked, whereas not even the gates of hell could prevail. All together now, you hear Holy Spirits lamenting, not only that Jesus is on His Way, but how soon this specialty Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and interceding for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them. Undoubtedly, we're right back where we started, Jesus attempting to explain HIS Glory that now passes to us, the Born Again, to a yet to be slain in the flesh and reborn in the spirit, Religious Leader, Nicodemus, repent or perish! Apb, The RAM, see here,,

Listening Too: Janet Paschel, Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down, see here,

And The Nations Where Angry, The Seventh Angel, Gabriel Forewarn

-After I witness those two beast rise, one from land, one from sea, see here, Rev. 13, as John saw something similar, this was just as Senator/President Obama as well rose. I then saw an outbreak of emergency vehicles US soil, that nothing here, this world was ever again the same. So much so, 02/2015, not only did I see the Antichrist mighty in reign, I also witness the Bride now reigning in heaven, that she had with Her.
-That's In Her possession, the stone cut out without hands, see Dan. 2, that when she released it, possibly what's being described of planet X right now. Clearly I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the Antichrist murderer," got Him, got Jesus yet?

The Issue Of Black Bowls

-Prayerfully we understand why Jesus prayed and taught us as well, that God Kingdom come, this earth, heaven, man won't be again right or righteous until then; practice Him, practice Jesus. The leaked info here could be why since 2015 Holy Spirit has place a Christ of resurrection closer to the earth since the early church age disciples witness Him ascend.
     -That He's now sitting in the high places Satan and His wicked horde once sat, now having wars in heaven and being cast out, beware people on the earth for your accuser  the devil is come down here.
.    This I know, the talk, ebb and flow of nuclear affairs also draws Christ close to us. One of the many demos of being snatched from here, involved a time where such missiles were launched as we ascended up.

Brexit, The Sinking Pound, The Final Countdown

     Brexit, the beginning of the fall of commerce, something even Holy spirits made mockery of by awarding American shoppers, 2003, an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour. Its that crash of world markets I witness of the large container, "The West," which felled on Saddam crippling him, as so landing him the Whitehouse and greatest of world leaders, now seeing them through the collapse of it all. Time I heard about the Brexit, I was reminded of seeing America, Britain go off separated as is here, and a voice, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty." Something the stone made without hands King Nebuchadnezzar did see, as so did I, 02/2015, do to all world nations, like crush them into dust.
    A most urgent warning all seeming to begin here, God's now apostate, even antichrist sanctuary, now see this vicious beast tearing through all mass assembly of an abomination that should've made such the gathering desolate.  The Supreme court same sex marriage, herein a voice very recently lamenting aloud nervously, and I quote, I have a bear into 120 counties/countries, further explaining the  paper boy/paper route, November 4th date,  a funeral reef deemed Obama/Clinton reaching far into space, this unprecedented death toll, with millions predicted to die US soil, 2001-2017, get ye to Jesus

Marrying Babies

     -By the plague of pedophilia, see, especially dominating religion and politics, about how often is a little boy raped? We're talking the supposedly, ah police of the world, free world America and believe this apostle, horribly, I've seen this.
     -Satan, sin, whoredom into abominations cannot cast out nor cast off another, they are of the same father. Just a perverted, mentally, even spirituality convoluted sect of demon men, even whoredom repent or perish, hell hath enlarged itself.
     -This could explain how doing one of Alex Jones interviews, when he asked his guess whether Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation/system on the planet? Though hesitating not he said, no, America is. I know, I know, a hard to swallow, bitter to sweet imbibe, for this Apostle all these thirty years.
.    -Though we understand the better that when Daniel saw the rise of The Roman Empire, Dan. 7:7, here was the rise of the British to the Westernized world. Soon to be labored, the dispensation of grace, as so Mystery Babylon, all now expiring. Westernized allies, America their leaders are called insane, even the greatest evil. You see this is why doing a review of Mike Pence, Trump supposedly running mate; of his recent debate only seconds therein I sensed a fury come into God's face, see Eze. 38
.    -Just as soon, I knew exactly how a young David felt about Goliath standing in the way of God, of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy concerning them. You see despite what happens with Arabia, I've seen them reign US soil, since the late nineties. Prophesied a Hussein Whitehouse, 2003, saw an Islamic World Rule America's ashes, 2017, this is happening, and only His, Jesus' return, is going to revive Us.
.    -Nuclear war will kill millions of people, sicken millions, where nuclear fall out will destroy the planet. Here leaving humankind homeless, this mean God will destroy them. All of which will explain the gigantic maze of a homeless shelter, with millions waiting patiently in line behind a single water cooler.
    -America, the peacemaker isn't supposed to be leading the world into Nuclear war but to repentant alters.  Those in the churches, that voting booths are transformed to, the closets, in their knees. Such magnificent penances should be so visited, and wrapped around the streets, highways and byways with it, yes, kiss this Son lest He be angry!
.     -Admittedly, as in the days of Ezekiel, see 9th, 4th chapt. and King Belshazzar, Dan. 5 whose trial, judgment and sentence came that very night. Such the time has lapsed, regarding American soil, but not the heart, rend them apart; Jesus is to come in, declare you heir with Him, don't perish to the temporal treasures, repent! Get Ye To Jesus Awake, Apb, see

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

There Is Not A Just Man, Come, Rescue Us!

Your Trial or Error,

     Day forty-six 10/03 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017,  see Dan. 9, see also

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

      Jesuis (I Am, We Are),  In February 2016, Cheng Jie’s sentence was complete, and she was released. It took a while for her now 3 and 5 year old sons to warm up to her, but the family is grateful to be reunited. Though it was hard on Do Hongbo to care for the boys on his own, he said God gave him good health during that time so he could take care of the children.
Today, the family faces an uncertain future.
     They don’t know what life will hold for them. Cheng Jie’s prison record is a black mark against the family. It will be difficult to find work and her sons may not be allowed to enter school. Though they were reluctant to leave behind their church family, Du Hongbo decided, “The church belongs to God.” They are preparing to relocate.
     For now, Cheng Jie is glad to be back with her husband and her two boys. She is especially glad for all the prayers that were offered for her and her family. “Sisters and brothers, thank you for your encouragement,” she said. Your prayers and letters make a difference! Write a letter to a Christian in prison for their faith at

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

-There's Something about the number 45, I had the 45th day blog laying in wait at the time, as so did I get the figure 12, today being the 11th. Even right now, as I open my daily bread, I see right away, Oct. 12th, is where the tear/rain drop from heaven my ceiling 2015, see left a splatter print on the page from where I was sharing, desolations are come continuously repent, see here, St. Mrk. 4:21, see
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant                                                        

The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, The Son Of David

    - So mom, how fast are we talking about? I don't understand, "as one laying her fork into a sip of her glass, even fixing the napkin in her lap, was Heus as always inquiring, "the cataclysmic events of 2017, you mention how fast it all happen? While John, actually God's Revelation concerning the fall of Mystery Babylon, our Mystery America, meaning world commerce, meaning the entire financial, religious, political to social world, all of it Heus in only an hour. This is pretty much what I saw, as quickly as one can fall from behind the sterling wheel of a car, that's how fast these cataclysms happen, just as sudden as that and like two hundred years son was gone of it. Well, 190 to be exact, and there was nothing but to succumb to but the plain to see pale horse, to Islamic Reign, ah pale horse? Death dad, hell, a quarter of the earth.
     -Do you mom think it's what Russia is threating? I witness two enemies warring US soil, Arabia and Asian and the Asian enemy was actually an invasion, with me now twice this year getting Ezekiel 4, which is a standing tall order that a siege is more is than come, it has been designed by God, as so, yes, Israel, but the US soil, The West first. I even Heus believe the prophecy surrounding Jeremiah 37:8, was her manner of hand writing on the wall, mean it's official trial, judgment and sentence was here, a seeming insignificant but undefeatable enemy that was come. All with a timetable unto it's finale given 2001, then as I said, as far as God's wrath go, it's decided, so our outreach now isn't about saving America, it's about what it was always supposed to be about, getting as many people to seal their souls to Him, Jesus as is possible.
     -I mean look at the church leadership right now, it has this equivalence of Noah, breaking off from building the ark, just completely forgetting about it, forgetting God's forewarning, the animals all. Instead turning his attention to that most popular among the leaders of God's people, those now seeming possessed with ever learning but never, ever coming to Jesus Christ, mass assembly. This covert, quite populous manner of sleeping with the enemy, where Satan's Seat is all regardless that a beyond describable cataclysms is come and only in a short time that once greatly treasured, lives, lands and churches, even damn souls, it being beyond apostate is now under tons and tons of water. It's just beyond crazy to me, being as lackadaisical as the people of Noah's day in this day and age, it's radically insane.
     -Dad, you ok? I am, this Tiffany is delicious by the way, yeah, I call it pot of chicken, well, it's delicious, I can't stop eating, it is mom really good, well thank you both. So that mom explain Jesus saying the people of this day and age wouldn't be any different than the days of Noah, I'm afraid Aggie it's our primary clue we were being sent like the prophets of old, especially Ezekiel, to people would these thousands of years wouldn't. Or per the America Dream, his unpronounced predatory lending that can't, won't be denied causing millions, even billions their souls, if you're to consider it's what Elohim forewarn, this evil, Satanic form of bruising Jesus' heel so it's been this nefarious enemy you can say, forever. Then I am face to face with God, knowing mankind was one way and that wasn't going to change until they dissolve their own heart and digest a heart of God, Jesus aflesh, all Holy Spirit lead, did I appear that innocent, crying aloud, begging even, send me? Awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here,   

Get Thee Hence, Beast!                                                                           

     -This is like calling on a stay toward the countdown into the final week of Daniel, the most important week of biblical history, Dan. 9, see the "week," prophecy, 08/18, even the Angel Gabriel 2004, declaring us that generation, see further,
     -Without this week there is no return of Jesus, there is no defeat of the antichrist, no Jesus millennium reign, without this week the genocide of human kind continues; henceforth you can hear Jesus lamenting additionally, get thee hence, Satan/Beast, God's Will be done here, don't be deceived continuously, get ye and yours to Jesus, Apb, see more here,

    Repentance Is! Imagine Jesus Saying This, Answering Governor Pilate Most Esteem, Arrogance, What Is Truth?  see here,

    -There is a "plague" (always this pending battlefield, Jesus the overcomer, Apb), called "sin" that is destroying this world and causing multiple hundreds of millions to be eternally lost. There is only one cure for that plague, and that is the precious atoning, Vicarious Offering of the blood, of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was done at the cross and our acceptance of Him.
  -All the churches in the world will never stay the "plague."  All the good works, good intentions, money, religion, prestige, or education will not stop this plague of sin. Only The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ can, here symbolized by the "Alter," JSM, Exposition of II Samuel ...get ye there! Darkness is here, 1998, Apb, see

Speaking, The Sunlight Of God,  Let My People Go

      This miraculous to describe intercession in the midst of phenomenon celebration and divine ordination  had to be responsible for the once mysterious, silence in heaven, behind which I witness a weeping sorely Elohim, threatening to strip all of them and where John again what should've been celebration there, witness preparation of the seven, beyond disastrous trumpets.  Listen you can hear him crying, come out of mystery my people, and be not partakers of her sins, for her sins have reached unto God, and he remembers, go my anointed ones, see them, tell them only the truth will free them. Smite the evil shepherd and the sheep will scatter, now the good shepherd is all better to gather them. 
     Let my people go, the holy spirit is making reference to the great ho of religion, that rule the people by Satan' seat being, being right their in heir midst as a  form of mass assembly, that has killed many people, that will kill millions more, why mass assembly itself was commissioned to get to alter, see as Jesus knocking on the doors,  this heart gripping reality how the mass majority of churches, where abominations are made most comfortable are in need of a physician, heart transplant, mind transformed all, that is Jesus.
   When Jesus saw the church through the eyes of God's revelation, firs he saw that Satan rules them just as they religiously assembled themselves, He as well witnessed what a Jezebel spirit of sexual promiscuity totally influenced them, That these evils had grown into a great whore of religion which sat as a queen over all world denominations having forsaken him days without numbers, last but not least, ultimately the great whore now in bed, in allegiance, even an apostate marriage with the greatest beast of them all. Soon leading a mutiny against her, allying with her enemies to destroy her, with forewarnings crying aloud these shall hate the whore, (western civilization).  
     Again where millions will again die, now this world reign of Antichrist himself, the two beast I saw rise, just as John, the antichrist, and false prophets one from the earth, the other from the sea, 2008. Clearly, just as Obama's Administration did, so my question to all of you ruling over God's people, what about end time prophecy? That God's people know the acceptable year of the Lord, all of which Gabriel 2004 described as being all unto fulfillment, again meaning the Bride minute by minute captured away by Him, Jesus closer to this blessed event than ever before, Beware, Apb, See more here, 

The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, The Son Of David

     -Yeah Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for though are with me, they rod, thy staff, they comfort me, though has prepared me a table in the presence of my enemies, my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I, we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever, see Psalm 23

Death, Dying, The Goodest Shepherd,

     -In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jammed a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb

     Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as a sleep; in the morning, they are as grass that groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. (Psa. 90:5, 6)

     -Life is fragile. We hear this quite frequently. It is spoken by Christians and non-Christians because it is true for all men. As soon as we are born, tender and new though we are, we actually begin to die. Each day we live, bring us that much closer to death. Now I realize that may sound morbid, but it is the truth. We are each like a shadow that is soon swept away when the light of life fades. -Think of the billions of people who have lived before us, but who are no longer exist-at least, not in the realm which we know as life.. We are continually gliding down the unrelenting stream of time into the ocean of eternity. God carries man away as a flood would a leaf. Sometimes the waters of the flood seem to rush forward violently; and we are carried away with suddenness.
     -Life is not only fragile, but dreamlike, {see Americans Dreaming, even Pretending, Apb}. Generally we don’t see our frailty or nearness to eternity unless a life threatening situation arises. Like men asleep we dream great things, (united, man can have all that he dream, Elohim, Apb}. For ourselves unto death awakens us and put an end to the dream. While we asleep, unconcern about the things that belong to our eternal peace, our allotted time runs out.
     -In additional to being fragile and dreamlike, life is short and transient. We are like the grass that, in it’s prime, is green and flourishing. But grass is tender and subject to the forces of nature. When the winter comes, the grass loses it’s greenness and withers away. Even in the spring and summer , when the grass is yet green, it may be cut own. {Doing the death rider vision, 1994, as a blessed assurance, Fret Not Thyself, I was given Psa. 37:1-6, the comparing of the rebellious, even the wicked to the soon to be cut down, withering daily of the grass,1994, Apb}.
     -But do not be discouraged! The Christian may face the sweeping flood, but its currents will carry us straight into the presence of God. Paul how probably has a better understanding of God’s plan than any other human being , said this: “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord…We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”(II Cor. 5:6, 8).
     -So, although human life is short, those whose heart are right with God, have the comfort of knowing that Jesus has prepared a place for them in His father’s house (John 14:2), JSM

     God hath commended his love toward us, that while we're yet sinner, Christ died for us, wherein shall ye die, live! Repent! Apb, The RAM, awake, the marriage supper hath made itself ready, the spirit and bride saith come!

The Valley Of Death, The Wilderness Of Sin, There Is Not A Just Man, Rescue Me

     -There's so much fear of death in the air, the apostle Paul said, and I agree with him, better it is for him, to be absent from body, for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Does this mean Paul wasn't afraid to die, no, when it's time came he was as intimidated as Christ Jesus as the night of Gethsemane, trying to find a away to get God's cup off of him, but faithfully said transformation, death, would only take a Nano-second compared to the amount of time man has been a prisoner enslaved on this planet. So while they're united in celebration about yet being here, I want my, as the righteous dead or righteous living I want, I'm ready, to be with Jesus, if I had the power, I'm already there.
    -The Singing group Selah has a song entitled, Rescue Me! Whereas they're calling on their God and their king to wrap his arms all around them and carried away from this curse to glory. There is rest there, a crown of righteousness is set for the endurer, my, our heavenly father await us there, and a host of heaven of an incalculable number await us there, why do they tease me so. O how Jesus that day of ascension so wanted to take us with him, only it wasn't time, so much great to greater work to do here, convince the unbelievers to get ye to alters of Christ, such the foolishness of preaching, which is mankind single restoration to glorification, beware,