Your Trial or Error,
Day forty-six 10/03 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017, see Dan. 9, see also
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), In February 2016, Cheng Jie’s sentence was complete, and she was released. It took a while for her now 3 and 5 year old sons to warm up to her, but the family is grateful to be reunited. Though it was hard on Do Hongbo to care for the boys on his own, he said God gave him good health during that time so he could take care of the children.
Today, the family faces an uncertain future.
They don’t know what life will hold for them. Cheng Jie’s prison record is a black mark against the family. It will be difficult to find work and her sons may not be allowed to enter school. Though they were reluctant to leave behind their church family, Du Hongbo decided, “The church belongs to God.” They are preparing to relocate.
For now, Cheng Jie is glad to be back with her husband and her two boys. She is especially glad for all the prayers that were offered for her and her family. “Sisters and brothers, thank you for your encouragement,” she said. Your prayers and letters make a difference! Write a letter to a Christian in prison for their faith at
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon
-There's Something about the number 45, I had the 45th day blog laying in wait at the time, as so did I get the figure 12, today being the 11th. Even right now, as I open my daily bread, I see right away, Oct. 12th, is where the tear/rain drop from heaven my ceiling 2015, see left a splatter print on the page from where I was sharing, desolations are come continuously repent, see here, St. Mrk. 4:21, see
-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb
Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant
The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, The Son Of David
- So mom, how fast are we talking about? I don't understand, "as one laying her fork into a sip of her glass, even fixing the napkin in her lap, was Heus as always inquiring, "the cataclysmic events of 2017, you mention how fast it all happen? While John, actually God's Revelation concerning the fall of Mystery Babylon, our Mystery America, meaning world commerce, meaning the entire financial, religious, political to social world, all of it Heus in only an hour. This is pretty much what I saw, as quickly as one can fall from behind the sterling wheel of a car, that's how fast these cataclysms happen, just as sudden as that and like two hundred years son was gone of it. Well, 190 to be exact, and there was nothing but to succumb to but the plain to see pale horse, to Islamic Reign, ah pale horse? Death dad, hell, a quarter of the earth.
-Do you mom think it's what Russia is threating? I witness two enemies warring US soil, Arabia and Asian and the Asian enemy was actually an invasion, with me now twice this year getting Ezekiel 4, which is a standing tall order that a siege is more is than come, it has been designed by God, as so, yes, Israel, but the US soil, The West first. I even Heus believe the prophecy surrounding Jeremiah 37:8, was her manner of hand writing on the wall, mean it's official trial, judgment and sentence was here, a seeming insignificant but undefeatable enemy that was come. All with a timetable unto it's finale given 2001, then as I said, as far as God's wrath go, it's decided, so our outreach now isn't about saving America, it's about what it was always supposed to be about, getting as many people to seal their souls to Him, Jesus as is possible.
-I mean look at the church leadership right now, it has this equivalence of Noah, breaking off from building the ark, just completely forgetting about it, forgetting God's forewarning, the animals all. Instead turning his attention to that most popular among the leaders of God's people, those now seeming possessed with ever learning but never, ever coming to Jesus Christ, mass assembly. This covert, quite populous manner of sleeping with the enemy, where Satan's Seat is all regardless that a beyond describable cataclysms is come and only in a short time that once greatly treasured, lives, lands and churches, even damn souls, it being beyond apostate is now under tons and tons of water. It's just beyond crazy to me, being as lackadaisical as the people of Noah's day in this day and age, it's radically insane.
-Dad, you ok? I am, this Tiffany is delicious by the way, yeah, I call it pot of chicken, well, it's delicious, I can't stop eating, it is mom really good, well thank you both. So that mom explain Jesus saying the people of this day and age wouldn't be any different than the days of Noah, I'm afraid Aggie it's our primary clue we were being sent like the prophets of old, especially Ezekiel, to people would these thousands of years wouldn't. Or per the America Dream, his unpronounced predatory lending that can't, won't be denied causing millions, even billions their souls, if you're to consider it's what Elohim forewarn, this evil, Satanic form of bruising Jesus' heel so it's been this nefarious enemy you can say, forever. Then I am face to face with God, knowing mankind was one way and that wasn't going to change until they dissolve their own heart and digest a heart of God, Jesus aflesh, all Holy Spirit lead, did I appear that innocent, crying aloud, begging even, send me? Awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here,
Get Thee Hence, Beast!
-This is like calling on a stay toward the countdown into the final week of Daniel, the most important week of biblical history, Dan. 9, see the "week," prophecy, 08/18, even the Angel Gabriel 2004, declaring us that generation, see further,
-Without this week there is no return of Jesus, there is no defeat of the antichrist, no Jesus millennium reign, without this week the genocide of human kind continues; henceforth you can hear Jesus lamenting additionally, get thee hence, Satan/Beast, God's Will be done here, don't be deceived continuously, get ye and yours to Jesus, Apb, see more here,
Repentance Is! Imagine Jesus Saying This, Answering Governor Pilate Most Esteem, Arrogance, What Is Truth? see here,
-There is a "plague" (always this pending battlefield, Jesus the overcomer, Apb), called "sin" that is destroying this world and causing multiple hundreds of millions to be eternally lost. There is only one cure for that plague, and that is the precious atoning, Vicarious Offering of the blood, of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was done at the cross and our acceptance of Him.
-All the churches in the world will never stay the "plague." All the good works, good intentions, money, religion, prestige, or education will not stop this plague of sin. Only The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ can, here symbolized by the "Alter," JSM, Exposition of II Samuel ...get ye there! Darkness is here, 1998, Apb, see
Speaking, The Sunlight Of God, Let My People Go
This miraculous to describe intercession in the midst of phenomenon celebration and divine ordination had to be responsible for the once mysterious, silence in heaven, behind which I witness a weeping sorely Elohim, threatening to strip all of them and where John again what should've been celebration there, witness preparation of the seven, beyond disastrous trumpets. Listen you can hear him crying, come out of mystery my people, and be not partakers of her sins, for her sins have reached unto God, and he remembers, go my anointed ones, see them, tell them only the truth will free them. Smite the evil shepherd and the sheep will scatter, now the good shepherd is all better to gather them.
Let my people go, the holy spirit is making reference to the great ho of religion, that rule the people by Satan' seat being, being right their in heir midst as a form of mass assembly, that has killed many people, that will kill millions more, why mass assembly itself was commissioned to get to alter, see as Jesus knocking on the doors, this heart gripping reality how the mass majority of churches, where abominations are made most comfortable are in need of a physician, heart transplant, mind transformed all, that is Jesus.
When Jesus saw the church through the eyes of God's revelation, firs he saw that Satan rules them just as they religiously assembled themselves, He as well witnessed what a Jezebel spirit of sexual promiscuity totally influenced them, That these evils had grown into a great whore of religion which sat as a queen over all world denominations having forsaken him days without numbers, last but not least, ultimately the great whore now in bed, in allegiance, even an apostate marriage with the greatest beast of them all. Soon leading a mutiny against her, allying with her enemies to destroy her, with forewarnings crying aloud these shall hate the whore, (western civilization).
Again where millions will again die, now this world reign of Antichrist himself, the two beast I saw rise, just as John, the antichrist, and false prophets one from the earth, the other from the sea, 2008. Clearly, just as Obama's Administration did, so my question to all of you ruling over God's people, what about end time prophecy? That God's people know the acceptable year of the Lord, all of which Gabriel 2004 described as being all unto fulfillment, again meaning the Bride minute by minute captured away by Him, Jesus closer to this blessed event than ever before, Beware, Apb, See more here,
The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah, The Son Of David
-Yeah Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for though are with me, they rod, thy staff, they comfort me, though has prepared me a table in the presence of my enemies, my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I, we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever, see Psalm 23
Death, Dying, The Goodest Shepherd,
-In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia. Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jammed a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb
Thou carriest them away as with a flood, they are as a sleep; in the morning, they are as grass that groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. (Psa. 90:5, 6)
-Life is fragile. We hear this quite frequently. It is spoken by Christians and non-Christians because it is true for all men. As soon as we are born, tender and new though we are, we actually begin to die. Each day we live, bring us that much closer to death. Now I realize that may sound morbid, but it is the truth. We are each like a shadow that is soon swept away when the light of life fades. -Think of the billions of people who have lived before us, but who are no longer exist-at least, not in the realm which we know as life.. We are continually gliding down the unrelenting stream of time into the ocean of eternity. God carries man away as a flood would a leaf. Sometimes the waters of the flood seem to rush forward violently; and we are carried away with suddenness.
-Life is not only fragile, but dreamlike, {see Americans Dreaming, even Pretending, Apb}. Generally we don’t see our frailty or nearness to eternity unless a life threatening situation arises. Like men asleep we dream great things, (united, man can have all that he dream, Elohim, Apb}. For ourselves unto death awakens us and put an end to the dream. While we asleep, unconcern about the things that belong to our eternal peace, our allotted time runs out.
-In additional to being fragile and dreamlike, life is short and transient. We are like the grass that, in it’s prime, is green and flourishing. But grass is tender and subject to the forces of nature. When the winter comes, the grass loses it’s greenness and withers away. Even in the spring and summer , when the grass is yet green, it may be cut own. {Doing the death rider vision, 1994, as a blessed assurance, Fret Not Thyself, I was given Psa. 37:1-6, the comparing of the rebellious, even the wicked to the soon to be cut down, withering daily of the grass,1994, Apb}.
-But do not be discouraged! The Christian may face the sweeping flood, but its currents will carry us straight into the presence of God. Paul how probably has a better understanding of God’s plan than any other human being , said this: “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord…We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”(II Cor. 5:6, 8).
-So, although human life is short, those whose heart are right with God, have the comfort of knowing that Jesus has prepared a place for them in His father’s house (John 14:2), JSM
God hath commended his love toward us, that while we're yet sinner, Christ died for us, wherein shall ye die, live! Repent! Apb, The RAM, awake, the marriage supper hath made itself ready, the spirit and bride saith come!
The Valley Of Death, The Wilderness Of Sin, There Is Not A Just Man, Rescue Me
-There's so much fear of death in the air, the apostle Paul said, and I agree with him, better it is for him, to be absent from body, for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Does this mean Paul wasn't afraid to die, no, when it's time came he was as intimidated as Christ Jesus as the night of Gethsemane, trying to find a away to get God's cup off of him, but faithfully said transformation, death, would only take a Nano-second compared to the amount of time man has been a prisoner enslaved on this planet. So while they're united in celebration about yet being here, I want my, as the righteous dead or righteous living I want, I'm ready, to be with Jesus, if I had the power, I'm already there.
-The Singing group Selah has a song entitled, Rescue Me! Whereas they're calling on their God and their king to wrap his arms all around them and carried away from this curse to glory. There is rest there, a crown of righteousness is set for the endurer, my, our heavenly father await us there, and a host of heaven of an incalculable number await us there, why do they tease me so. O how Jesus that day of ascension so wanted to take us with him, only it wasn't time, so much great to greater work to do here, convince the unbelievers to get ye to alters of Christ, such the foolishness of preaching, which is mankind single restoration to glorification, beware,
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