Thursday, October 13, 2016

Like The Days Of Noah, Sodom, and Mystery America

Your Trial or Error,

Day Forty-six 10/04 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017,  see Dan. 9, see also

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

-There's Something about the number 45, I had the 45th day blog laying in wait at the time, as so did I get the figure 12, today being the 11th. Even right now, as I open my daily bread, I see right away, Oct. 12th, is where the tear/rain drop from heaven my ceiling 2015, see left a splatter print on the page from where I was sharing, desolations are come continuously repent, see here, St. Mrk. 4:21, see

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                 

-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant

     -Please don't do that, don't tell me more and more people are coming to church, they been doing that forever, tell me more and more are falling on their faces, or getting into their crawl spaces all after him, after Jesus! Do you know the kind of phenomena relationships you can create with God, getting after Him, seeking, knocking, asking in this manner, this divine privacy, even our heir with Him, deity. It's Jesus by God's Revelations seeing himself standing on the outside of Church Assembly, Satan's Seat, of Religion bruising His Heel, but here Jesus is, knocking at them so tremendously distracted, crying, if any man!
     -If we say we hath not sin, we lie and do not he truth, but if we confess our sins, when King Solomon prayed for the people, Elohim instructed them to repent of sin, when the prophets prayed for the people, Elohim instructed them to repent of sin, when the Holy Apostles of Christ prayed for the people. Actually John the beloved took it a little further, described the difference between two types of people on this planet, and no being baptized is not another form of salvation. A broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart puts selfdom to dust, Jesus already warn, how those straddling the fence (lukewarm) are yet cursed.
     -He, John explain how there are children of the devil, you know them as they are those, all the more church goers who practice sin, and there are children of God, you know them, as the seed, or Holy Spirit remain in, or anoints them and they no longer practice sin. It's like Paul's inquiry, if you are dead to sin, again dead, how can you again live therein? I like to say the book, especially of Ephesians, unveiling our maturity, you have to be born-again, is then describing Christ, Christian membership, working until all men are made perfect in Christ Jesus, go and sin no more, be reborn.
     -While the book of essentially Jude is describing a church, churchian membership having return to the doctrines of black hearted men, their wicked rudiments and commandments crying aloud Christ Jesus isn't the fulfillment of the law unto salvation, when by His Righteous Blood, He Alone Is. There goes the argument, though God created the laws man had to obey them or die, though God also created Lucifer, but like him, the laws of Moses in the hands of black hearted men had all become a type of religion, those soon driving the nails; so an evil emerged that God didn't intend and they'd by these wicked works, devices been destroying God's people for centuries.
     -Jesus, who not only made the foundational Apostles, to the Apostle Paul/Epistles, to the Righteous Bride at present; Jesus wasn't born under their perverted laws to resign to them. Though to fulfill them, now Holy Spirit and Truth whom the Father seeked, whereas not even the gates of hell could prevail. All together now, you hear Holy Spirits lamenting, not only that Jesus is on His Way, but how soon this specialty Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and interceding for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them. Undoubtedly, we're right back where we started, Jesus attempting to explain HIS Glory that now passes to us, the Born Again, to a yet to be slain in the flesh and reborn in the spirit, Religious Leader, Nicodemus, repent or perish! Apb, The RAM, see here,,

Listening Too: Janet Paschel, Ain't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body Down, see here,

And The Nations Where Angry, The Seventh Angel, Gabriel Forewarn

-After I witness those two beast rise, one from land, one from sea, see here, Rev. 13, as John saw something similar, this was just as Senator/President Obama as well rose. I then saw an outbreak of emergency vehicles US soil, that nothing here, this world was ever again the same. So much so, 02/2015, not only did I see the Antichrist mighty in reign, I also witness the Bride now reigning in heaven, that she had with Her.
-That's In Her possession, the stone cut out without hands, see Dan. 2, that when she released it, possibly what's being described of planet X right now. Clearly I heard a voice lament and I quote, "this is the Antichrist murderer," got Him, got Jesus yet?

The Issue Of Black Bowls

-Prayerfully we understand why Jesus prayed and taught us as well, that God Kingdom come, this earth, heaven, man won't be again right or righteous until then; practice Him, practice Jesus. The leaked info here could be why since 2015 Holy Spirit has place a Christ of resurrection closer to the earth since the early church age disciples witness Him ascend.
     -That He's now sitting in the high places Satan and His wicked horde once sat, now having wars in heaven and being cast out, beware people on the earth for your accuser  the devil is come down here.
.    This I know, the talk, ebb and flow of nuclear affairs also draws Christ close to us. One of the many demos of being snatched from here, involved a time where such missiles were launched as we ascended up.

Brexit, The Sinking Pound, The Final Countdown

     Brexit, the beginning of the fall of commerce, something even Holy spirits made mockery of by awarding American shoppers, 2003, an 11 o'clock shopping lunch hour. Its that crash of world markets I witness of the large container, "The West," which felled on Saddam crippling him, as so landing him the Whitehouse and greatest of world leaders, now seeing them through the collapse of it all. Time I heard about the Brexit, I was reminded of seeing America, Britain go off separated as is here, and a voice, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty." Something the stone made without hands King Nebuchadnezzar did see, as so did I, 02/2015, do to all world nations, like crush them into dust.
    A most urgent warning all seeming to begin here, God's now apostate, even antichrist sanctuary, now see this vicious beast tearing through all mass assembly of an abomination that should've made such the gathering desolate.  The Supreme court same sex marriage, herein a voice very recently lamenting aloud nervously, and I quote, I have a bear into 120 counties/countries, further explaining the  paper boy/paper route, November 4th date,  a funeral reef deemed Obama/Clinton reaching far into space, this unprecedented death toll, with millions predicted to die US soil, 2001-2017, get ye to Jesus

Marrying Babies

     -By the plague of pedophilia, see, especially dominating religion and politics, about how often is a little boy raped? We're talking the supposedly, ah police of the world, free world America and believe this apostle, horribly, I've seen this.
     -Satan, sin, whoredom into abominations cannot cast out nor cast off another, they are of the same father. Just a perverted, mentally, even spirituality convoluted sect of demon men, even whoredom repent or perish, hell hath enlarged itself.
     -This could explain how doing one of Alex Jones interviews, when he asked his guess whether Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation/system on the planet? Though hesitating not he said, no, America is. I know, I know, a hard to swallow, bitter to sweet imbibe, for this Apostle all these thirty years.
.    -Though we understand the better that when Daniel saw the rise of The Roman Empire, Dan. 7:7, here was the rise of the British to the Westernized world. Soon to be labored, the dispensation of grace, as so Mystery Babylon, all now expiring. Westernized allies, America their leaders are called insane, even the greatest evil. You see this is why doing a review of Mike Pence, Trump supposedly running mate; of his recent debate only seconds therein I sensed a fury come into God's face, see Eze. 38
.    -Just as soon, I knew exactly how a young David felt about Goliath standing in the way of God, of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy concerning them. You see despite what happens with Arabia, I've seen them reign US soil, since the late nineties. Prophesied a Hussein Whitehouse, 2003, saw an Islamic World Rule America's ashes, 2017, this is happening, and only His, Jesus' return, is going to revive Us.
.    -Nuclear war will kill millions of people, sicken millions, where nuclear fall out will destroy the planet. Here leaving humankind homeless, this mean God will destroy them. All of which will explain the gigantic maze of a homeless shelter, with millions waiting patiently in line behind a single water cooler.
    -America, the peacemaker isn't supposed to be leading the world into Nuclear war but to repentant alters.  Those in the churches, that voting booths are transformed to, the closets, in their knees. Such magnificent penances should be so visited, and wrapped around the streets, highways and byways with it, yes, kiss this Son lest He be angry!
.     -Admittedly, as in the days of Ezekiel, see 9th, 4th chapt. and King Belshazzar, Dan. 5 whose trial, judgment and sentence came that very night. Such the time has lapsed, regarding American soil, but not the heart, rend them apart; Jesus is to come in, declare you heir with Him, don't perish to the temporal treasures, repent! Get Ye To Jesus Awake, Apb, see

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