Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Take Up Shield And Buckler, Avenge Our Blood

Your Trial or Error, https://www.gofundme.com/2sew3qp7

Day Fifty 10/08 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017, see Dan. 9, see also

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

    Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Don't Be Deceived, Emergency, Prepare Now! SHELTER  The first few hours are the most dangerous! Take cover as deep as you can go, layering anything you get your hands on, placed above you. A basement is ideal but not always accessible. What if you’re at the grocery store when an attack hits? Most likely your vehicle will not work when you venture out to head home (But only after the first few hours should you leave). Have sturdy, sensible shoes in your vehicle because you will most likely be walking a long, long way home. Also keep a backpack with essentials such as water, extra jacket, lemon drops (you’ll be walking quite a distance, not enough water to keep you hydrated) etc. in your vehicle as well as a luggage cart with wheels. (these things also handy for earthquake prep to keep in your car).
     Don’t go hiking home in camo clothing, you do NOT want to stand out. RETHINK what you carry in your vehicle EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU LEAVE HOME DURING THIS CRITICAL TIME. Can’t make it home & the air raid sirens are blasting? Get under a huge semi truck, under anything! A swift make-shift lean-to with pallets, just do NOT be out in the open for the wave to hit you. You’re home? Still, get UNDER as much stuff as you can. Later: No heat in the house? Set up your camping tent indoors, sleep in it, play in it, read in it, live in it to conserve body heat. NEVER set up the family BBQ indoors, you will all die. That is NOT an exaggeration. Do NOT use the gas oven to heat the house, with the door left open the thermostat cannot regulate and a lovely life-threatening fire will ensue.
     Have floor or ceiling heating vents? Get those covered up! you can use aluminum foil, wrap it around the vent from the underside. Then thick plastic over the top. Get a few rolls of heavy plastic to cover all windows, doors, a/c units ANY opening from inside your home/shelter. (don’t do this covering yet)WATER  Begin storing water NOW. It is bulky to store, the only thing that can’t be dehydrated, but it’s imperative that you stock up! Fill every conceivable container. Walmart sells 7 gallon aqua-tainers and they will be out of stock real soon. Get bleach that has no additives (scent, etc) use ONLY pure bleach. Add 1.5 teaspoons of pure bleach to every 7 gallons of water. Fill your washing machine, yout tub, water, water, water! If nothing happens, use the tub water to bathe in, clean the tub and refill it. This way you’re not wasting water.
     Same with your clothes washer. You might collect water from irrigation ditches or ponds for your animals BEFORE any attack, absolutely NOT AFTER, stored in a clearly marked separate container. Irrigation water is NOT fit for human consumption. If you have bottled water that has expired, use it for the animals, they won’t mind or use it for cooking. Do NOT throw any saved water out! And do NOT use water from any of your faucets after an attack! It will be seriously contaminated, as-in you will glow in the dark contaminated!  We’re not playing here.
FAMILY  Condition your emotions. For those who have adult children living in another state than you, or who are hundreds of miles away, you need to come to terms that you may not ever get together.
     Especially with an EMT: no phones, no vehicles, no email/text, no nada. Total rustic barbaric conditions. You will not be able to contact your loved ones. Plan for that, get your head wrapped around that. This will be extremely difficult! Provisions for a crowd, but figure you will go through this alone. Those with children, plenty of indoor activities: crayons, nerf balls, board games, cards. URGENT! see more here http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2016/10/emergency-prepare-now-3426353.html see also http://www.infowars.com/scenes-from-the-venezuela-apocalypse-countless-wounded-after-5000-loot-supermarket-looking-for-food/ and here http://www.infowars.com/the-economic-collapse-in-venezuela-is-so-bad-that-people-are-slaughtering-and-eating-zoo-animals/

    Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

     Article: On Friday, Barack Obama is going to sit down with his foreign policy team and discuss “military options” in Syria. As you will see below, the options under consideration include direct strikes “on Syrian military bases”. Russia has already pledged to respond militarily to any direct strikes on Syrian forces, and so the decisions that Barack Obama makes regarding Syria on Friday could literally be the spark that sets off World War 3. Article...

Take Up Shield Buckler And Stand Up For Our Help!

     I shared with you all, how doing a time in my kitchen 2011, Holy Spirits like they've done these thirty plus years, sticking closer than a friend just here start talking to me, and I quote Him/Them. "Soon the church Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist is give power to overcome them," as is recorded in Rev. 13. In Revelation 13 is also recorded the rise of two beast, one from land, one from sea, one is the false prophet, one is the Antichrist's finale, further of whose reign I witness 02/2015. I didn't realize it at the time, but these are the two beast I witness come out of prediction, as John, I witness one that rose from land, a relative. Then yet this other, from the sea, a distant relative, (man of sin), this was 2008, meaning it was around the time of Hussein Obama's first Presidential campaign.
      When Holy Spirits lamented to me, how we, now the ascended Bride would look down here from heaven, praying for the Trib-Saints, I didn't know that right here. Honestly, the Bride was being given her heaven bound assignment which is like Her Christ, to intercede God's throne of them now being come against. This revelation will give better light to finding myself, standing in a passageway  in heaven, looking down upon and praying, the first time I would speak in tongue, unknown to me, but spreading itself this divine message across the entire earth. Concerning those literally thrown down by the worse of mankind's enemies since the fall of Lucifer and the infiltration of His Seat among mass assembly, with Jesus knocking profusely at getting to them, if any man.
     It is right now, every since I crossed back into the house Sunday, 10/16/2016, a fulfillment of the 21 days countdown of 09/25, it's as though I've been possessed by Holy Spirits. That's to constantly be in my closet, on my knees of intercessory calling on heaven to take up shield and buckler and stand up for our help yes, but with the Bride any minutes from departure, this is with much concern about the Tribulation Saints help. Admittedly, He already know who you are, remember a once weeping John the beloved saw them as a great number that none could count. As well explaining the manner of divine, physically overwhelming census taking I found myself a party of only a few months ago, there were those who were marked, reminding me of the prophet Ezekiel version, his 9th chapter, where he witness 6 slayers summon by God from he higher gate north, and I heard lately a voice crying out and I quote, "give me twelve! Beware!
     -Scripturally, even prophetically this mean I, The Resurrected Bride, who are risen with Christ, have already begun to intercede God's Throne concerning especially the Tribulation Saints. I know how jarring to heart blood this sound, though further realize, the same Angel Gabriel appearing to the prophet Daniel, appearing to a young mother Mary, was now appearing to us, forewarning us, we're that generation, how can you yet ask, how serious is all of this, when God Himself put on flesh and preached to the Gentiles? see I Tim. 3:16. Though I've told you these thirty years most of it has been spent being demonstrated upon regarding this blessed event, even witnessing a trumpet being passed to the Angel Gabriel. That what we've experienced as the Bride is as She's living in a post rapture not only since Christ alike appearance, spring 1986, Though, since John the beloved ascended there after hearing a mighty voice like a trumpet lament, "come up hither," (as was said, thrice to Apostle P. A. Bradford, 1986-2016/17), even so come Lord Jesus!
     What am I telling you? I'm telling you, what biblical scholars have been unveiling concerning Revelation 4 to 19th chapter, whereas the Brides presence here is no longer mention, how until the 19th chapter it is no longer referred to as being on earth but in heaven, why Jesus laments to us all to remember from whence thou are fallen. So has it been since the Christ Lord Himself, demonstrated the first Resurrection into Ascension, since he lead captivity captured, the Brides fate is now in heaven, John see her, allied by Holy Spirits lamenting that we all "Come," the wedding supper has made itself ready. Heretofore, what Holy Spirits and She been seeing and laboring after here, has since then been the fate of the back-slidden to the rebellious, hence god knoweth the way of the Righteous (Bride), but the way of the ungodly, (unrepentant), shall perish.

Religious Bondage The American Dream                        

     Seen to be sitting in an enormous congregation, before a bedazzling pulpit simply mesmerizing the people, when from the back of this celebrity hall comes a bellowing cry, a distress call, "pat, pat, help me pat," when I rise to see what's the matter, the Holy Spirit with me, mass assembly pretending, and ages later, I see the sunlight of God, He too is lamenting like to a deliverer Moses to this world Pharaohs, (religious leaders), "let my people go!"
     -Unendingly, Christ's own divine resurrection to glorification has always been as a whole armor about her, deeming her spotless, ageless and blameless, worth fighting and dying for, as should be he husband toward his wife. This is why I shared recently how Christ's Anointed don't die, they ascend, by this staggering truth is how Jesus was to make this surreal for all those present accusation, how whosoever believe in Him shall never die.
     -They all laughed Him to scorn, soon took up stones at Him, Holy Spirits, upon which the second death hath no power, can't die, they can only ascend to Jesus, not even the grave can prevent them, corruption will put on incorruption. Now upon this rock of ages, of Truth and Grace, Christ, His Holy Apostles have build His Church and not even the gates of hell has prevailed against it, got Him, got Jesus yet? Awake, be as aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see www.crucified2015.blogspot.com www.ceasefire2016.blogspot.com, www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com 

     For many shall come to me in that day saying Lord, Lord, have I not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done wonderful works, and Jesus says but I will confess I never knew you, you that worked iniquity…JCON, see Mat. 7:21-23

Prophecy Link

What A Visual Phone Text From Holy Spirits Look Like,

      Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  Jesus in coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  Jesus in coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  Jesus in coming, Jesus is on the way, Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way,  02/17/2015, see also here,  http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/february-web-only/libya-21-christian-martyrs-with-their-blood-unify-egypt.html

Prick My Anointed, Prick Me, Jesus

     Libya's 21 Christian Martyrs: ‘With Their Blood, They Are Unifying Egypt’ 02/18/2015, so just like a young virgin Mary, who didn't realize prophets were prophesying about her, her life, these 21 martyrs, when they read John's version, of the reveal, by the 5th seal, the martyred saints, that they were reading about themselves. It wasn't until much later, I made the comparison, their horrid martyrdom, this beautiful, terrible cross and the divine beyond spiritual visual text messages shared above, not only reminding us.
     Well, Jesus is coming, but that He around the same time these 21 men were suffering and dying horribly for him, that He Jesus after thousands of years is now on His way here. Meaning, Jesus is closer to the earth than He's been since the early disciples witness him ascend, and heard it promised, them. That his same Jesus who ascended up from them, would in all like manner return, what they didn't tell them, is that they, as the Righteous Bride would be with Him, as the Prophet Zechariah describes, here, www.2015zechariaholivet.blogpot.com, beware, Apb, The RAM.

Help! The US To Venezuela, How Do You Prepare Domestic to  Zoo Anmials?            http://www.infowars.com/the-economic-collapse-in-venezuela-is-so-bad-that-people-are-slaughtering-and-eating-zoo-animals/

     -I grew up in the country fairly poor, here was eight of us, a mother, an aunt and a Grand dad, Willie Lee Jones. We didn't have a farm, just some farm animals, some fruit trees and veins with berries on them, we had no running water, so rain water, water from pumps, or that we embarrassingly carried across the sub division from a relatives house. I watched my mother one time, this one time, break the neck of a chicken, bring it into the house, fill a hot boiling pot with it, and in a couple hours or so we would be having chicken for dinner. As I was sharing the article about the horrors of Venezuela right now.
      -Well, look past it being called a socialist government, America is an independent state, government that has slain the world of men, that is slaying the world of men, that will continue to slay them, if Jesus Millennium Reign wasn't preventing it's complete genocide of God's people. Now they think they're going to run to the deepest pits and highest hill with all the blood money of it, I wonder what the Angels of heaven think of this, already mocking how they place their names of that which isn't there's. They are so deeply ridiculous that it borders on the line of not just insanity but demonic possession, there is no running from God, great nations of men has tried it all and failed, just as America is right now!
     The nation of Venezuela, this unthinkable horror happening to them, has been happening American soil all my ministry, now thirty years. I've had to see this when none other could, I've had to listen to these terrors when non other would, I've had to experienced, as in suffer in their disbelief, to mockery, verbal persecution to just plain rebellion as they simply refused to believe that a loving God. One undoubtedly who is just as so a Righteous Judgment, threating to avenge mountainous blood guiltiness as of His Wine Press. Surely of them reaping, just this indescribable for millennium of abominations, of thinking although totally opposite God's word, promises and prophecies. Somehow unlike His Own Nature, they're not to reap corruption reaching past the heavens, of a blood harvest, their soil, repent or perish, Venezuela will look like a Sunday picnic, one I've seen the deadly Clinton's hosting, in comparison.
     Come to think of it, I was in a situation just like this, so desperate, an extravagant as America store, pennies in hand, just before I witness the highest sunlight. How mesmerizingly it shaped itself into a gigantic, blocking out the heavens above, diamond carved, crystal dove, aimed at rescuing the Righteous Bride right out of them This will further explain seeing a reigning mightily pale horse of disease, death and hell following, just as cataclysms; then those most hateful toward America of all nations, was there as well a world rule by Islam, whereas only the antichrist, Israel's literal destroyer could then follow, got Him, got Jesus Yet?

     Article: Could this explain President Obama’s recent Executive Order — in which The Obama Administration, NASA, FEMA, DHS, DOD, and many other Alphabet Soups prepare for space weather events? Article... http://beforeitsnews.com/self-sufficiency/2016/10/lethal-actions-of-u-s-military-hidden-from-public-were-at-war-with-russia-the-obama-administration-is-preparing-for-something-unprecedented-it-will-shock-you-beyond-belief-2511118.html

And Many Other Alphabet Soups, Prepare For Space Weather Events?

     I remember when God came to me, the early nineties, like to father Abraham concerning Sodom and Gomorrah, how he would destroy them, only now it was this end time Apostle, and the world system was America, The West. I admit I sorely doubted it, kinda like a wife Sarah laughed about it.  That is the last time Elohim had to raise His thunderous voice at me, send me sailing, "I am the Beginning, I Am The End! In other words rebellious mankind, all, would one day know, He is God and find themselves really mad about it, as is now.
     It wouldn't be until Christmas night 2001, like the Israel of old, being given a timetable as of Daniels prayer, now, well, America, blood guiltiness weighed, measured and found guilty, and given to this interceding Apostle. Well, now sort of like a Prophet Ezekiel, 4th chapter, it was given 190 months, totaling 15.10 years expiring into cataclysms only a year from now. 
     America is ending for 190 years of it, just as is predicted his article in only a matter of minutes; I know this, it's coming, an ELE type of disaster and America, The West is no more. The church Age is ending, as so the dispensation of grace which allowed it, as so what has given place to America, the West, now it all must decease, on to Daniel's final Week, Syria, and the final Antichrist, Awake, Apb, The RAM, see also www.thelittlehorn2015.blogspot.com

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