Tuesday, October 11, 2016

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

Day Forty-five 10/02 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017,  see Dan. 9, see also www.2016jesusisthespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, China: Joy in Prison As the date of her long-anticipated release from prison neared, Cheng Jie wondered whether her young sons would even remember her. She’d spent the last two years at a labor camp in China, and she hadn’t seen her sons at all during her imprisonment. Cheng Jie — a young mother, a pastor’s wife, and a former kindergarten director — never anticipated her 2014 arrest. With a husband who was a pastor in China where religion is tightly controlled, she and her husband, Du Hongbo, had prepared for his possible arrest, but never hers. In the end, it was her role as the director of the Hualin Foreign Language Experimental Kindergarten that took her to prison for two years.
     Chinese authorities charged the school and its administration of “illegal business operations,” due to the use of what the authorities called religious curriculum. The school was closed, and four people associated with it, including Cheng Jie, were arrested. At first, prison was a scary time for Cheng Jie. She had never known anyone with drug problems or who engaged in criminal behavior, but here she was, suddenly crammed in a cell with 15 criminals.
     Some of her cellmates were due to be put to death for committing murders. Their 15 by 15 foot cell had one toilet for the women to share. Quarrels would often break out between the women. Others would sob continually. The women were expected to work 12-hour work days and were fed very little, usually rice with boiled cabbage or radishes. Soon, however, Cheng Jie realized she had a unique opportunity to minister to the other women, and she began to love them. see more here, http://www.persecution.com/public/newsroom.aspx?story_ID=%3d383234&featuredstory_ID=%3d353530

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb
-A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause, as I'm not clear about the year, as so do I believe it's referencing unrepentant parents, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17f 2016, with something cataclysmic to happen by 10/2017, remember Jesus is the blessed death, get ye to Him, Apb Breakage,

The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

     Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera  in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant                                    www.2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com                                       

Passion Of The Christ, That You Die                                          

     -The song, the lyrics, one night only, Jennifer Hudson, (American) Dream girl, seem to be playing relentless in my head as I awaken from dreams of crashing bombs, of Terrorist attacks, curfews. just a volatile potential unto all of the above. Definitely as each minute of the day count down especially US soil, into the worse concert of master disasters it has ever suffered, or shall ever suffer. Well, with millions dead, seeing nothing will be left, something Russia, and it's ally in China, the only two world leaders, to be sure, I just read. Those Dr. Paul Craig Roberts explain, are the only two sensible world leaders on the planet, I know, finally America been seen for the monster it truly is. Whereas just below you will read of an Alex Jones guess, commenting, not that Saudi Arabia is the most evil nation on this planet, but America is.
     I would like to add, as America so is Israel, again vice versa, and this forewarning, how it can come, will come, in only one night. Meaning I totally conquer, applaud, standing ovation, hip, hip hooray, all of the above, as these are all truths, I've been feed of Holy Spirit and have had to digest all of my life in Christ, these thirty years and counting. You who kill the prophets, Jesus said of them, his blood be upon us this predatory lending gone a pandemic of warmongering one holocaust to genocide after another in sheep clothing, arrow no bow. Though now God has heard the cries of their mountainous slaughter, a fury unimaginable has risen into his countenance and not only is He preparing to strike back mightily at them. He already is, just this outbreak of great to greater sorrows and mounting, all around
     They've exchanged repentant alters for voting booths, as though God doesn't see you, truly who or what has vexed you, what a strong delusion. Now hear Him, Elohim as He speak, surely many times, especially heartily, you've asked Him to, but don't just listen, take heed, "Come out of Her my people. That you be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plague, her sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembered her iniquities, judged her according to the cup by which she has sown upon his anointed judgment is come and it's not going anywhere until God's Wine Press is running over with 185 miles of revenged by Him, Blood.
     -Such is true, God wedged this War at the Cross, a light did come, darkness having refused, it is the rebellious man who keep bringing wars still, it is the voice of the martyred that he be vengeance for them. A Righteous Elohim mighty in battle, must answer their cry, putting them away, laying them to rest, bringing them home, his kingdom is come. Jesus Millennium Reign, the king of king and Lord of Lord will soon sat as King over all of Israel, and I most say like his lowly advent, and many of the innocent dying for this, even now the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us, they are doomed.
     -Getting words, through the lyrics of a song is done quite often, June 7th of 2015, Tony Braxton song, 'seven whole days,' that I was singing repeatedly as ten whole days is such the example, It was the 7th day of the month, and by the 17th day, exactly ten days later, the Charleston South Carolina church shooting happen, killing nine of it's members, including the pastor. It wasn't until later I gain revelation about the number 10 exchanged for the number, regarding church assembly going under greater terrorist attacks, see more here,  in revelation Jesus tell the church of Smyrna, how if they endure tribulation (now is come great tribulation for those left behind), for ten days, (believe to represent the 10 major persecutions hurled at he church of that day, spanning about 200 years, so here presently this is making reference to the tribulation and Brides time here has run out), JSM, that he will grant them a crown of life, see Rev. 2:10.

Mark Seventeen And Seven, Desolations Are Come,

     Those who've read behind me know, I shared a word of knowledge, 2003, whereas I heard a voice lament and I quote, "mark seventeen and seven, " a numerical of which I've traced back to Noah's Earth. It's, this curious figure that was recorded as the exact hour and minute we pulled from the garage that day toward the emergency room, it's the exact hour down to the minute my spouse succumb to this curse of death and ascended to Jesus. It was the exact amount of the mortgage on the house, I mostly abandon to go full time into ministries of Christ, so both his sweet and this bitter. As it was bitter that God had to destroy Noah's Earth this flood, but it was beyond sweet even now. Justly even forever, that by doing this, Noah's Ark, Elohim preserved the woman seed and restored mankind, a last Adam, one new man worthy of all exultation, for truly great is the mystery of godliness and dispensation, ending.
     Writing his son in the faith Timothy, Apostle Paul shared how God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels and preached to the Gentiles, and was received into glory, all things thought forbidden by Him, now blessed indeed is The One, Jesus, who cometh in the Name of the Lord. I must add further, this one night only forewarning remind me of the night of the hand writing on the wall, with Daniel, Dan., 5, that's with God's anointed, again, the only one to interpret. This would be how King Belshazzar, as America right now, is, was completely out of time, only minutes left, as his trial, judgement and sentence had come that very night.
     Though so has America's, I just didn't know it yet, her, it's hand writing on the wall, a panorama passing, as so floating all about me. The name Jeremiah and the numbers, scripture 37:8 , meaning Islamic Terrorism that Bush wars would soon be targeting would go on and rule the world now this reign, rod of terror. Evidently despite how mighty and forcefully they embattled them, they were coming, they are coming and they will come, take our cities by astronomical violence. This mean none but one can stop them, and His feet shall sat that day upon the mount of Olivet. see here, www.2015zechariaholivet.blogspot.com Just with the enormous eruption of His coming alone, alike Moses staff, a type of Christ, evenly like the Red Sea, now parting this mountain into vast wilderness whereby a sorely embattled Israel will flee; here spelling nothing but Gog and Magog's defeat, why do the heathen rage, indeed? see here, Eze. 38, 39 chapters, see www.ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com

And There Was Silence In Heaven, About The Space Of Half An Hour, Jesus Wept

     If hearing about God with His Backed turn toward the church is awful, and frightening to so many, I have also like John the beloved, seen Him, Elohim, as of my prayer closet, behind a silence in heaven. Only when I saw Him, this long suffering, He was crying uncontrollably. "My people are dying, dying and they're being stripped, of everything my Christ has brought them, my people are dying, dying and they're being stripped of everything Christ had brought them." All to explain seeing the burning, consumed church, whose smoke rose up to Elohim, weeping and mourning, all to explain an additional appointment of a foundational Apostle, as the original foundation of Christ and His Holy Apostle stood, firm, just needing a church of Jesus, again therein this divine Cornerstone, whose Creator and Builder is God, see more here, www.onewayprayer2016.blogspot.com

Mede Is Very Dirty, Talking About Your Own Idolatrous Momma www.daniel534bc2017ad.blogspot.com

     I was watching a video hours ago, whereas Alex Jones asked his guess whether Saudi Arabia is like the most evil nation ever? Hesitating not, He said, no, America is, now when he said this, I don't know about Alex, but I didn't flinch, it has taken thirty years of Holy Spirits dealing with me, that I clearly see and understand this. I'm there, I mean once you realize who her parents are, where her bloodline lies, just this holocaust one after another, that wars, rumors and violence begets the same thing, continuously, there is not a just man, system on this planet, when are you coming?
     If Americans could momentarily lay their own selves aside and realize the most bloodshed doesn't have or isn't just Hitler's, but westernized civilization, giving birth to him. These evils dating back to before we crucified Him, Jesus, because the making of this wicked world, this mighty form of deceiving the people, is impossible, without it's shedding of blood. That is what America is, even why for greater curses it's labored Mystery Babylon/America, its what any and every formation of the world is, an enemy of God, for any friendship of the world, worship Satan as father.
     Did you all know, earths inhabitants are thought to be strange when they place names, titles and celebrity upon early things, thinking, claiming it belong to them, especially their ton and tons of Hitler induced blood money. When its all that belong instead to God, that the seventh angel Gabriel mention 2004, is a celebration of all of it now being brought under the subjection of God, all if it. Now He, this God above all will sift it like wheat, then into the replenishing fires with it. All that's in the world, gone, all that is horrid is staring you right in the face and you deny it, with Paul crying aloud, though we or an angel preach anything other than Christ Jesus, let them be accursed, antichrist.
     I stood before a sunlight lately, that moved from behind a mountain even in heaven, that spoke to me, as it spoke to Moses and said, "let my people Go!" One thing we learn from Moses is it was time for God's people to be delivered, that whatever power of authority or supremacy, see the last most abominable Supreme Court vote that sat over them, even John's depiction of the great whore, by Holy Spirits shown him, it was time for them to move or to be moved out of the way. Even if forcefully, giving memory to the ten plagues of Egypt, happening especially US soil and all bets are off about the elite being in power. So such the like deliverance today would look nothing other than, the great gathering of saints, a doctrine of their own Christ.
     That by his blood, it's resurrection, here described by the Apostle Paul, whereas John also witness the Spirit and Bride saying you, you come too. Though now having been left in slavery to sin, this way of salvation, this light to the strait path, gate, now for thousands of years of hate, persecution and martyrdom, how do you get them out? Fret not, King David would say, trust, delight and commit, Jesus already has, He has Overcome the world, behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah. His Sheep know his voice remember, another He will not gather, another, they will not follow. Perhaps this was celebration, before I was holstered off, again this speaking, commissioning aloud, how the greatest deliverer Himself, a shout, the trump of God, I witness past to the angel Gabriel and the Archangel Michael, it's armies of heaven, this Bride is how reigning in heaven, hallelujah for all eternity I say!

Father God, Why Weepest Thou? My Heart Is Like Wax, Melted

     It did for a time repent God that He'd created man, but God had made a promise, I like to think the beginning of His Grace that saves us, with Christ's Cross the fulfillment and only living, working and dying in sin is that separating us from it, from this unmerited favor.  This is why Christ first commissions is that we repent, second, it is that we love God, third it is that we be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect, a perfect sacrifice, a perfect worship,, a perfect labor, a perfect heir-ship.

     From whom (Christ Jesus) the whole body fitly joined together (Christ as the Head and the church as the Body) and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, (one part is dependent is on the other) according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, (every part labors to produce  great result) maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love, (building itself up will happen when we function according to God's Prescribed order, which is the unity of the faith again refers to a proper understanding of the cross, JSM). {It Is Finished, C. C., Apb}

Ephs. 4:16     ...we are wonderfully made, indeed... see Psa. 139

     The people of Noah's day, like the people to whom Jesus compared us, the last generation, so how do I know we are the last generation, because a most trusted Angel from heaven, Gabriel 2004, said it. So The Enmity, The Cross And the Great Gulf, once separating those lost from those redeemed, are all the same and our faith is made perfect not that God is on His way, but by divine revelation understand he never left us, I will never leave you comfortless, Jesus.  So when I awaken that morning and glanced all around the room and couldn't find an open space because so many Angel where present; am I to then believe, all the earth is Holy Ground now that Jesus spilled his blood thereupon it? That we're on a constant surrounded by them, making our heart, our home as heavens throne.
    It would explain lately, having dozed into a sleep seeming this second, and Angels rushed upon me welcoming me right into heaven. I want to remind you, how God's people end up in Egypt in the first place, and how we, mankind end up a cursed earth, first one of our own betrayed us, lead a mutiny against heaven with another third of them, like them like Jacob's sons, like Joseph's brother, envy, strife, confusion, and every evil work. Joseph dreams where one of many gifts awarded us as of Christ's cross,  every gift that god loan us is that we never walk in darkness, the lesson never be like Satan, never be Josephs brother, how except your righteousness exceeds that if the Pharisee, then you are none of His.
     I heard a mighty voice lately, "give me twelve," since then the really questionable, even now Syrian Truce, went into effect the 12th of September, though this exact number, when you consider it biblically, the 12 gates, the 12 Apostle, the twelve tribes of Israel, even of Ismail, but was Elohim by his wrath like the days of the prophets, especially Ezekiel, was he summoning 12 specific slayers into our midst? Each of us having a fulfillment of the inkhorn man, those now marked in righteous blood, and readied to escape only because of him, dressed in linen clean and white, and the white is for the righteousness of the saints.

 Your Church Condemn, The Fall Nations Building, Of Babylon                    www.yourchurchcondemnsix.blogspot.com                                     www.2016isiah13.blogspot.com

     I had a church member, akin by marriage, ask why I seldom come or go to church, I told her I have a calling upon my life, whereas I don't do a lot of church, now let me explain. You see, while everyone else sit, totally caught up by the pulpit great or small, I, I instead hear the voice, the one crying from beyond all these seeming marvelous things, people, their mighty functions, help, help, help me Pat. That I raise to take a gander and the Holy Spirit is right with me,  Am I the only one that can hear this desperate plea, and I the only one that see this vicious breast tearing through them? No, God forbid, as His word promises He will not leave us ignorant, so it's not that they can't hear, they have ears, but they only hear what religion and selfdom intends.
     They have eyes, but they only see by their overseers and politicians, they have a heart but they only feel the measurements or levels of achieving the American Dream, many are judged by this. So when god brought Noah alone, even myself,  and he say I hear their cries, even those martyred saints under His Throne. This is what he mean, the cries of lakes, rivers, and oceans of blood spilled for these millennium are also lamenting in my ears, and I sit too still, and get to comfortable Holy Spirits, even the rocks if need be, the pews, just start lamenting, 'the spirit of the lord is upon you because he hath anointed you to, see more here, St. Mark 7:18  
     Well not too long ago same church, I was invited to teach Sunday school , I have a great anointing upon my life I know, messenger of Satan all, God has done what he promised, Jesus said greater works shall ye do, and he meant it too. Remember when religious leaders questioned Jesus knowledge, great anointing, who from whence it come, and Jesus immediately verified how it's come down to Him from his father in heaven, wasn't his, now this blessed Savior now upon this rock/TRUTH this very church would be build.
     A New heart God promised, that his word would be written there as so our mind, Jesus this head, all as the old, cursed heart, flesh is cast off, now filled with Holy spirit, lead into it's truth, appointed his angels over us too, now a new man, an outreach of Christ and nothing will ever be the same, so if it's a repentant alter, it's a useless, most damning cover, with millions opening their eyes in hell because of it. This mean before I was finish with the lesson, the class was being reminder that Satan, apparently like me, knows the word of God as well.
     While Holy Spirit reminded, how Jesus, his great anointing was as accused of being that of demons, so ridiculous, seeming Satan can't cast out Satan, Jesus also said. Thus this forewarning, that sitting at door of mass assembly, greeting gullible people as they enter, the prophet Jeremiah was told, is the spirit of jealous, Prophet. While the Apostle James, described this self-same spirit wherever people gather, as envy and strife, and every evil work, they all being without a righteous head. Sadly this is how harden hearted people see God's Anointed, even take up violent acts by which to stone them, lest they believe, God, The Father, really is the same always, setting up the members of the church as it hath pleased Elohim, so it didn't phrase me, I been called anything other than Christ, since I said, God Said and that's for thirty years now.
     Church or religious assembly instead a well organized service of God, is mostly a form of rebellion enacting Satan's weapons of wicked devices against He and His, this antichrist. It's  that delusional into being a form he holy trinity, whereas the congregations, mostly demonic is to act as that of the heavenly host. You see because mankind are a naturally subservient of a higher power, there's just no other way to mightily rule them again. Satan knows this, and gravely uses it to deceive, a murderer from the beginning who aboard not in the truth, who again uses this clever falsity to rule over an assembly by the masses of those just as so deceiving themselves, just as so leading themselves into greater desolation.
     Hence is the lesson of the woman of Samaria, how now is come worship no longer by these seeming too stunning works of man, having forsaken God, surely now you understand, but by the spirit, by it's truth, as God is, so is his worship, no more boastful man. So it would seem, That while the church was sleeping, nestled under this ginormous weight of abominations, came the lesson from the woman of Samaria, God is spirit and truth so is authentic worship. That as they lingered in indecision, neither lukewarm, Jesus threating to blot out their, God made a new covenant, this time with their heart, how God's will is actually done, I will be to them a God! Here they were now united in celebration of the greatest, most prosperous church age ever, or shall ever be again.
     When God showed His Throne with its back instead toward theirs, seems as the people went glamorizing and bathing in their own municipal worth, all apostle could see is except the foundation made without hands was made Lord over all, that extraordinary one laid by Christ and the holiest of Apostles, a cornerstone right out of the deity of God, that whosoever believeth in Him, stand, and endure to the end would reign those Glorified of God as even as He, Christ Him, now risen and lamenting aloud, in my father's house are many mansion, I go and for you, for your arrival, I prepare them.
     So how could the same God, who'd asked a weeping Magdalene "why weepest thou, who'd encouraged a weeping John the beloved, to weep not,  behold the lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevail, who was, is the Christ or resurrection now be seen weeping Himself behind a silence in heaven? So, there is only one way to explain Heavenly Father now crying behind a silence in heaven, how his people are dying, how they're being stripped of everything Christ Jesus, tell them, let my people go! Well, you see I saw a similar God, not only the one who anointed the masses before his throne to be acquainted with his grieves and sorrows being His Disciple, His Royal Priesthood.
     Though the it the phenomena one I forewarn, doing this great gathering of Saints, Father, be careful lest they take your heart of the now so anointed as Christ Jesus, tribulation Saints, Those seen laying it on the alter, even their heads, at getting mightily to Him. You see, until God get you, into your heart Him, Holy Spirit, you're born again, He'll never be your Father and you'll never be His Son/Heir, now crying Abba Father. There is only one Church affiliation ordain to do this, that single One of Spirit and Truth, made without the hands of Man, Jesus the Christ, go now, repent to Him, or such a sore to God's Heart, hell alone is awaiting them, as one by one, they perish.

Walked Among The Gentiles, If I Be Lifted, A Number That Couldn't

Like Travail Upon Woman With Child, No Escape

     I get it now, guns don't kill people, inhumanity to man kill people. I know, you get it too, right? Not carrying ourselves perfect hearted like Jesus, "and if someone ask you to go with them one mile, go with them two miles," "and if someone ask for your coat, give them your cloak as well," see Mat. 5. Now that's just being overly generous, no, Jesus would say it's just being perfect, like your Father in Heaven is perfect and we're HIs Royal Priesthood; it's the Apostle Paul pleading that we surrender all, see Romans 12.
     I guess you can use the same concept here, hot cars are not crippling and killing children the neglect and depleted attention span of parents and overseers are. Then there's Jesus, well I did hear it reported on the weather channel lately how these types of deaths are at record highs and that was months ago. The most shocking part of this article, she, Nazi Mom, Holy Spirits described lately, she left the car running, meaning she thought herself in control of the deadliest of situations.
As I said earlier, and those who read it, understood it, we've entered into those times where Jesus compared us to the rebellious, even the lackadaisical people of Noah's day. Clearly, those who'd broke God's heart so tremendously, it repented Him that He'd created them and if it wasn't for the Genesis.
     There the promise of the woman seed, honestly, there would've never been a Noah's Ark, only a great deluge that took us all out; whereas the grim reaper himself is right now, laying out gone fishing signs, awake, really! I kinda terrified some people lately,  I guess you can say like the early prophets or revelations of God, Christ, Jesus even threatening to punish those unrighteous children with death and dying. It was when I shared how God has turn his back on mankind, on the church, apostate assembly, their not realizing this has since the first Adam's fall been god's position, which is why he created Jesus out of the woman seed to intercede his throne for us, Jesus, the way, truth and the life is seen making intercessory for us.
     It's why Jesus explain that only a few will find him, because the path to him, meaning death to self, and all earthbound treasures is straight and narrow, while man frequent instead a Broadway, giving him all his ways, right into the pit of hell, beware! I mean people actually got mad, they say all the time God is the same ad the days of Noah, he's he say as he days of Moses, of Sodom and Gomorrah, the one tumbling no only Nimrods towers but, ours, the beginning of scattering the rebellious into itty, bitty pieces, it's just that we've by the American Dream taken his grace for granted, counted as the sacrifices of the wicked just as worthy as Christ.
     When King Solomon asked God to bless his people, He said I will, but they must repent first, until then I won't hear, I won't see, I won't anything to do with them. This curious admission make Elohim, the most worthy of all the gods of them, for only the truth, as Jesus lamented can make people free of  the lying murderer, saboteur even within mankind's own predatory heart. Just what the pharaoh's of Egypt think of Moses God, that they had gods too, to many to count, Paul accused of Athens Greece. Only what the rebellious didn't know was, Moses God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was God over all of them.
     I'm reminded of the religious leaders bragging about and uplifting their temple, and Jesus astonishing them by reminding them that God's temple was greater than, tear their down and destroy it and in three days it would rebuild for all eternities to come, whereas right now the only thing left of theirs is the all famed Jerusalem wailing wall, yet this curse, as not one stone is to be left upon another, Jesus himself said, started this debate in the beginning, our God, as Moses, Miriam and Charles Jenkins would say, see here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YJ4vddbJJo So, don't we understand by now, from Genesis to Revelation it is about nothing but restoring God's creation back to him, one new man, born again, spirit and truth, worthy of all heavens exaltation, and Christ lead to a tree of Life.
      Before Jesus no man could approach unto God, not even the angels, which is why one of the attributes of the Mystery of Godliness describes how now,  now that the God of heaven is become flesh, relentlessly Jesus Christ, how even the Angels can approach unto him, how even they have a God, who put on flesh and endured a cross for the man who once was lost, no wonder there's celebration there all the time, except John's silence in heaven, this inconceivable intercession and mine, the silence in heaven I too witness, felt until I sobbed uncontrollably like Him, of mankind yet breaking God's heart, of his lamenting still, my heart is like wax, it is melted into the midst of my bowels, (see Psalm 22, Rev. 11th chapter),

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