Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis, (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Gone Fishing, The Grim Reaper, Eccl. 9:12, I been wondering here lately, whether the Chrysler 300 used in the dream demonstration regarding Syed Farook, Dec. 1, 2015, a day before he would be revealed on social media as the terrorist in the San Bernardino shooting on Dec. 2. Is or was this a three hundred day countdown which would land such the like future attacks, what, right about the month of October 2016? All with an additional 21 day countdown 09/25, putting us at October,16 2016.
As so, there was also in this dream this USB adapter, that a fond Syed Farook was parading about, was this a hit list that the author/writer Michael Synder was talking about; regarding Christians and churches not only being more under the attack, but some being on an ISIS hit list? Soon, just taken over by him, once my automobile now his, soon showing himself, even US this reckless driver, beware of Islamic extremism all the more, US soil, Apb, The RAM, see www.2016theissueofblackbowls.blogsppot.com www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
I don't know if this storm, hurricane Matthew, http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/livecoverage/breaking-news-now/lc-BBwWqhK?ocid=spartanntp is what was being referenced, but just a week or so ago, well I heard a strong voice, say and I quote, "kill all parents by," now if you think this is strange, see Rev. 2:21-23. This is why I said recently, parading a transgender child actor, this beyond abomination, agitating God's wrath, while we all should be sleeping let alone getting to the alters of Christ, is such beyond foolery.
I didn't hear or this exact date wasn't clear, I know a decade or more ago, the same voice and I quote, "rest thirty thousand lives," earthquake hit, Iran, left the death toll at exactly this amount. Like I said before, seeing especially our sons swimming with the fishes a month or so ago, that it meant a great deluge is coming. My Granddaughter is station a military base in Georgia and they've been told to evacuate.
This leader here is right, lots of people are going to die, especially if they don't take, Mathew, that's especially Matthew 24, serious. There's only one thing waiting the unrepentant now dead, judgment, Hell, every truth by which Ezekiel forewarn, the soul that sin, is without repentance, dies, this is the second death, beware, Apb, The RAM, see www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, A Lament, and I quote, "twenty one days," 09/25/2016, countdowns continue, Apb -A Voice, "kill all parents by," I pause, as I'm not clear about the year, as so do I believe it's referencing unrepentant parents, 2015 is past, we're in 09/17f 2016, with something cataclysmic to happen by 10/2017, remember Jesus is the blessed death, get ye to Him, Apb
Breakage, Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant www.2016pforpedophile.blogspot.com
Passion Of The Christ, That You Die
We Exalt Thee, see more here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjrQBDnjUB0God The Only Worthy Such The Celebrations In Heaven, see more here, this testimony of God, doing a roll call there, right out of book of life who read behind me know, only a few months earlier I was describing how not a certainty but I feel I'd been given a glance into that book, the one record in Rev. and talked about throughout the canons of patriarch, Prophets and vast People. I set up in bed this morning, both glorified and mystified, especially as i began to realize, though if I'd just participated in such this beyond glorious things, these too phenomenon to announce ceremonies of heaven why was i awaking again here, why didn't I stay, even why couldn't I, why was this happening? see Psalm 139
Now I could add this greatest blessed event of them all, to it's now long list of prophecy links, there's the one about the rapture's trial, run, even it's dress rehearsal, of see the trump of God, had off to the Angel Gabriel, meaning I guess these blessed above all things will happen, doing my prophecies, so many visitations about being taken out I hardly keep my body down all it want to do is float around. I mean get so excited or rather is it that I stay so excited and until in his presence, which is more often than none, I hardly can sit still, now here getting really excited because the more Russia and the US, battle and rattle us into a third world war, the more it is verified, as I've prophesied, we're entering into the winds of change, military, and just as soon they're being facing Jesus along the judgment of it's nation.
Scripture says he hath created all things and without him hath not a things been made that was made. The Genesis, what it, a divine play by play of how right now we're looking at a resurrection of the blessed dead, whereas the righteous living is found worthy of Christ's blood, and His getting salvation for them can actually happen any minute now, are you and your protected, the blood of the Lamb. I mean, you say this people, especially and they bring our attention again into the task at hand, this visual rubes cube of an undetermined since the fall of Adam meeting of prosperous ends.
Those having no meaning except men are snared by it, like the fish in the net when they lest suspect it, so say you gone fishing, mind off the deep end, so is death, always there, always ready, always willing. I know you don't fear death, it's the dying that's gravely complicated, just the intimidation of dying is what made even Jesus literally change his mind, caused angels to descend to His side, and we're talking God manifested in the flesh, it being weak, soon passed unto the Spirit that's willing, power of God, blessed is He who come in the name of the Lord .
No Longer Is Godliness A Mystery, Get Ye To Jesus
So I made it to Sunday School, 10/02, and I learn this one thing, if God's People perish from a lack of knowledge, then leaders, their parishes meaning mass assembly, churchians perish because they're ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth, sacrifice. God's form of righteousness so weighed down by tradition is so ritually mundane, it's so sorely taken for granted. It's why Jesus said of it, it is not the whole (religious, ordinances, see Col. 2) that need a physician, (a heart/blood donor, Jesus, see John 14:6), but those who are sick, (divine hospice, awaiting transplantation, Rom. 6, 12, Eze.).
Truly don't fear or be intimidated by the one who can kill the body, be intimidated by the one who can kill both your body and soul in hell's fire. Hear, no, you're not automatically drafted into God's Kingdom simply because you show up, you're a member, you're a working class of a well oiled machine of distraction and extraction at stealing God's people from Him, the thief hath come but for to steal, kill and to destroy, Jesus, Jn. 10:10. If you're sincere persuade people instead to Jesus, all must as Jesus describes, St Jn. 3, be born again, or as He, Jesus further describes, Mat. 7:21-23, you're none of His, beware, Apb, see, www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com
So the woman behind the church, crying pat, bound by others of her type, she was being held back by the very ordinances and commandment of men, these beggarly elements God had by Christ's Cross set them free from. Made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem those under the law, that hey might receive the adoption of son, don't be alarm, like Lucifer, the laws of God in the hands of black hearted men, had become something God did not intend and it's been slaying God's people, as a roaring lion back and froth among them for centuries, now the redeemer hath come.
This vast system, of apostasy showing itself so controlling that when she, the anointed bride, went down to heal her eyes, as is biblically prescribed, they looked at her, thought it strange, Satan's Seat Jesus called, it, the great whore of religion sitting on many waters, waters being people, nations and tongues, it was instead unveiled to the Apostle John, marvel not, said Holy Spirit, I will show you the mystery of the whore. Look to where Satan's Seat has grown, all people thinking it's system they made of their own, not knowing, it's that failed right out of Genesis and portrayed as our friend, even our blessed mother every since, not, it's death, dying and judgment and cast into rivers of fires, none to forestall such horrid destinies but he destined to be Jesus.
Sunday Morning Rapture
Doing Sunday morning lesson (see Sunday morning rapture here), we discussed how Jesus is made a little higher than the angels again, and immediately he holy spirit related how that's because Jesus was God manifested in the flesh, how great is the mystery of godliness (I Tim. 3:16), how this is what the woman seed was used for, and why Satan used fallen angels, to intercourse with earth women, if successful, there could be no Jesus, there could be no salvation for mankind, there could be no covenant to promise keeping, no God-man.
This is why Noah's house was then chosen, as his house wasn't as contaminated and counted for righteousness, this has to be true, of the wife of Noah and the wives of his three sons, not that they weren't sin, but that their ability to procreate wasn't as perverted. Henceforth, through them, it's original woman seed God would actually reform another Adam, as the first had been overthrown by the sin of disobedience and sexual promiscuity and this, this Adam making Himself a cross for us all, would then be the last of His Kind, ye must now be born again.
So this was God's way of commending his love toward us, all that He is, all that His Throne is, the entire heavenly host of it. All now laid in the balance of the woman seed wedging both a physical to mental war, even that spiritual, his indecision whether to take of the cup, sacrifice himself, the very reason he'd been born so timely of the woman. Both holy spirit and condemn flesh, not he was sin, or that he couldn't sin, but that he was to make of Himself, it's sinless blood, a blood redemption for us. Lead a sheep to the slaughter, hanging on a tree for us, this curse, for cursed is everyone who does, hang on a tree, openly, knowingly sacrificing himself, listen, you can hear him lament, it is finished, now even the angels have a God, who'd put on flesh, and endured a cross for the man who once was lost.
Built Upon Two Great Commandments Of Love www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com
I'm being reminded what a blow to the traditions, the ordinances, the regulations of men, to the seat bed of religion, denominations of men, never accepting God's ordinations when Jesus took all of it, the woman seed, the ark of the covenant, the laws, Noah's ark, Moses Staff, the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the prophets great and minor, and now the 12, the foundational apostles, by which Satan, by the evil, gluttony of rebellious men, this stumbling block of iniquity who'd fashion a seat, an unspeakable rule over them gravely bruising Jesus' heel. Even I heard a teacher lately tell the people, God made the laws, the laws are of God, people had to obey them or die!
I know it is all by which religious leaders deceiving the people, crucified Him, Jesus, the people's choice of persecution, execution, stoning the prophets, and now their own Messiah, crucified; I see where Satan's Seat is, Jesus cried. God also created Lucifer, said Holy Spirits, but like him, the precious laws and prophets of God, in the hands, the rule of dark. black hearted men, had become something God did not intend, and they'd been using this wicked edge to destroy God's people for centuries. It was planted right there in the midst of all of them, right where they assembled, for where they, the people assembled, why God committed the Babel in the beginning and scattered them all over the place, I admit this additional, more profound curse.
The Apostle James says, there is then envy and strife, where men assemble, there is confusion and every evil work, confusion, Holy Spirit say, is to be without a righteous head, and now nothing but Satan's seat and demons attired gloriously in church apparel is predominantly what God's people worship. So much so, Jesus pictured Himself outside of it, knocking on the sealed doors of it, crying if any man open, I will come in to him. It is that enormous transgressor beyond imagination, even this great whore of abomination given into abominations of false worship that John now sees sitting on many waters, with Holy Spirits instructing him to marvel not, don't be confused or deceived, I will show you the mystery of the whore of Babel/America.
That these waters, sitting oblivious in mightier that can be comprehended apostate assembly are people, nations and tongues, of which I was commanded by the sunlight of God Himself, to release his people out of, now in His own words, "let my people go." Though the moment Jesus said, well when he took all things from the Genesis to now, again, the woman seed, the covenant, Noah's ark, Moses staff, even Abraham's Isaac and soon Saul of Tarsus and shaped it into the two greatest of commandments of love, this was the woman seed as prophesied, this was Jesus' Heel, His Church, His Bride permanently bruising Satan's head/Rulership.
You see, Jesus' God, judging at the heart, this is why Apostle said, lately, Holy Spirits get your heart, God's Will is done, for where a man treasures are there is also his heart, treasure God, kiss HIS Son. Everybody can't love God, everybody can't, even won't follow the Righteousness (Christ) of God, light had come remember? But men love darkness rather than light for their deeds (heart's desires), are evil. Jesus proved this, the sermon on the mound, Mat 5, when he commanded we love our enemies, that we do good and pray for those who abuse us and do all manner of evil against us, because like Him, ours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever, this world is our temporal stay over, our Christian outreach, now heir with Christ, let it all go, heaven above, momentarily molding us along a descending new Jerusalem, is our actual home.
No doubt the people thought this impossible, that it was even unfair, that Jesus was either crazy or he had a demon, there simply was no way they could do this, but none would know us as his disciples, as his divine outreach unless we loved (sacrificed), much, upon this rock he would build his church, thus knowing Christ's by the fruits (measure of holiness) that the anointed of God, truly bear, and not even the gates of hell would prevail against it.
Seen Of Angels, God Made Flesh
Before God, by the woman seed made himself flesh no man could approach unto him, not even the angels, this is why Paul is describing regarding the mystery of godliness, how even now Angels can lay their eyes upon him. Remember how long I struggled with the greatest harsh reality of that spring day thirty years ago, not only did He, Jesus of resurrection have wings, but it wasn't Jesus of resurrection, taking a seeming so cast down Bride off to heaven, but it was God himself, I even referred to him as father, be careful father, I said, lest they take your hear, the tribulation saints now being left behind.
It wasn't for years later, I kid you not, well Jesus have wings because he is the Christ of resurrection, this is what the prophet Malachi describes of the sunlight of God, these wings are actually sun rays, and they're for the healing of a sorely tried and true righteousness Bride being take to her earthbound destination. As my Lord, and Prophets, Apostles, gone before, I use parable, or the Holy Spirit through me, does, that those blind may see, that those deaf may hear, that those whose hearts are harden, may have it all only by Christ's Cross, remedied. Honestly it was through one of them, came such the revelation, how the reason I saw Jesus, as God, is because prophetically He is God, and why he told the disciples, they see him, they see the go of God.
On the side of God's Throne, it's all made clear, there are no darken mirrors, when it come to ones authentic identity, you're actually looking at God's Throne, the Heavenly Host, face to face, and every time, these beyond exploits are demonstrated upon one or another, the Holy Spirit anointing severely as he will, it is to all the portray not just to a disbelieving world, but to the believers themselves that when Jesus talked of mansions there and how would go and prepare us a place, how he would then return, and at a shout, a trump receive us unto himself, that we would see angels both descending and ascending upon him, he meant it, and it's all there just waiting, it has proposed a wedding supper, as the Bride herself, intercourse Christ's Cross, blood, such the unpronounced celebration is now come, awake, Apb, The RAM,
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