Friday, October 14, 2016

His Hem, His Stripes, His Wings, His Deliverance

Your Trial or Error,

     Day Forty-seven 10/05 of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce, 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniel's Week, 2001-2017,  see Dan. 9, see also,

     -Jesuis ( I Am, We Are,), Jesus Christ, I began a conversation a day past with grand son Darius Nigel concerning election 2016, commenting how it will be the most important of America's History, then I caught myself. I said, now, actually, that was the Obama Administration, eventually being described, yet Senator Obama and I quote, as "the one," upon whom further, that once he is become President, he is given and I additionally quote, "two weeks and seven years all expired months now. 
     -If this is not the most alarming, only just last year, 2015, I saw by curious versions of Christ's Millennium which followed His, Obama's assuring us undoubtedly His, despite 2016 election, which should be a nation wide, even a world wide call to repentant alters of Jesus Christ. A return to Godliness sorely suggested by Holy Spirits 1998 concerning, now get this, mass assembly, it's as crystalized as I saw cataclysmically become of the skies above, breaking apart, crushing it all, Obama's is the last reigning American President.
     -Now as I was saying, by this time doing the 08/09 elections I'd had more dreams and visions regarding the antichrist than at any time ever or ever since, I guess you could say biblically, not since the days of Daniel, of John the beloved has there been such the reveal, only now into fulfillment. Whereas the beginning of 2015, come to just now think of it as Obama's time table expired, I witness both the fulfillment of the Antichrist reign and the stone made without hands that's to crushed it, them to dust, all of it. I mean these end time biblical events are so apparent I believe we're looking at a play by play fulfillment of what John is seeing when he witness, Rev. 17, the great whore of Religion, America/the West, riding the beast, again the beast, the antichrist, I witness rise to power just as the Obama administration come into fruition.
     -Though right now, 2008, doing one of these demonstrations I got to know the coming little horn, not only as the world 's potential greatest apostasty unto the final Antichrist rise. Oddly it was as a husband, even a loving father, indeed there is a thin line, more minisule than we're to imagine, even for Jesus the night of Gethesmane, even as God's throne wane in his historic balancing act of indecision. There is a thin mark indeed between obeying the flesh and obeying the spirit, Jesus' lesson, the spirit (faith), is willing, but flesh, (fear) is weakening, even terrifying.

And I Will Pour Out Of Spirit Upon All Flesh

    -All mankind has a spirit that is given to him from God, God's purpose of the spirit is to be by Christ bloody cross. Into resurrections himself, made and mold us, mankind, that's measured by our obedience of him, into Holy, acceptable Spirits of divine truth going on to be glorified by Him, now His Reigning heir. So every second we're on this planet we're in a mode of decision making, this earth every second passing into a new heaven and planet. For example, the record some say thirty years now of our government knowing, of planet X, that has been prophesied by nearly every famous religious sect for thousands of years. Even as I hinted lately, how it. planet x could've been what John is seeing, AD 96, as an emerging new heaven and earth.
   -There is now a better understanding, how all knees will bow, that all mouths will confess, that's worship on this planet has always been about this God of all God. Even of His now being ordain Lord of lord and King of all kings, the world entire government shall soon be upon him, His Millennium Reign. Elohim would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He, Elohim would destroy America, you see right now, desolations insurmountable are clearly all round us, instead of confessing these evils and seeking God's forgiveness. I mean as Americans celebrate, in God's very sanctuary one man proposing marriage to another, and yet another, more celebrity type, a well known TV network introduction of the first transgender child actor.
     -I know what the people of Ezekiel's day said, soon throwing their gold and silver away this worthless treasure, of seeing Jerusalem Israel, being  just so like America, they thought themselves, exempt. It's as though they've blocked it all out, eyes, ears, tongues and heart of recognizing evil. God once lead, I mean if it wasn't for promises first made of the woman seed, and Noah's house, counted as a manner of this righteousness being done. Elohim because of these threatening evils, as is Jesus right now this very second, threatening to kill the offspring of all those unrepentant of these evils; justifiably, was a loving Elohim now being lead to the virtual genocide of mankind.
     -I know according to Paul's epistle to the Romans, how because of these alike immoral evils, God simply decided to give this wicked to evil disobedience to the rebellious up, they are accursed. Still you have to remember, especially sexual abnormality is now the authentic attempt of Lucifer in the beginning purposing to mutate into a complete disintegration the God man. Simply because Elohim, having, brought an Almighty God of all mankind is to survey of this planet, of the entire universe and beyond had come nearer than ever to a more Carnate existence of Himself. That's of using the woman seed to do this, to birth Himself, a flesh and blood potentate for mankind, saving Him from a damn as Satan and all fallen Angels fate, Jesus the Christ, Son, Of God.
     -If ever Jesus' accusations ringed/reigned true about the satanic to demonic to religious movement the rebellious actually serve, as god, as the American Dream. The ropes of continuality, which have no authentic ending, except you like a betrayed to betraying Judas Iscariot is found instead dangling from them. Like in days of Noah, is a reason for God to wrath, America, it's whoredom giving into whoredom across this entire world of mankind.  That God, yet this longsuffering with mercy, that while you're showing yourselves these greater to greatest of abominations, these many days into millenniums. In the midst of ending it all, Mystery America's fall, yet you hear him cry, get ye and yours out! I, Jesus, will cast you into a bed, (sick bed, see first and second kings, Elvis and Michael), they lovers into great tribulations (see Hiv/Aids, see worse troubles ever), except ye repent, and I will kill your children with death (see infant mortality, drug addition, unto an epidemic of violence, beware, Apb.

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

     -There's Something about the number 45, I had the 45th day blog laying in wait at the time, as so did I get the figure 12, today being the 11th. Even right now, as I open my daily bread, I see right away, Oct. 12th, is where the tear/rain drop from heaven my ceiling 2015, see left a splatter print on the page from where I was sharing, desolations are come continuously repent, see here, St. Mrk. 4:21, see

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                 

     -Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Sprung A Leak, The Rainbow Covenant                                                      

Touching Jesus' Hem, Deliverance                       

     -We learn from the book, the story of Genesis, from the fall of the first Adam, husband, wife authentic bloodline of mankind, Elohim God is now explaining who he would make of himself flesh, and become a blood redemption for, now regardless of Adam's disobedience cursing us, the last Adam of mother's eve womb hath saved all those and I'm sincerely to say, only those who believe in and has repented their accursed reality to him, there is then only one group of people on this earth, and that is those who worship the devil having refused Elohim's greatest of all eternity giving into eternity blessed sacrifices of the only blessed death which is in Christ Jesus.
     -Just as the Minister doing revival las night kept pointing out that God was about to bring us into the greatest ever of a fantastic season, he of course was talking about the achievement of the American Dream. Seemingly by the way of more magnificent lives, lands and churches, all of which doing the mid nineties, the Death Rider vision the Holy Spirit described as apostate, all of it, having forsaken God days without numbers. As the many celebrated the gaining of more worthless treasures, although I appeared to be doing the same, it all reminded me of the Angel Gabriel designing us, yes, you Millennial's the ones of all biblical prophecy fulfillment, he most of all lamented, meaning all of it and that was twelve years ago and counting.

Double whammy: Why Millennials are doomed                                   

     -You have to see one thing, how doing the fulfillment of all biblical things, the first thing of these now have to be what Holy Spirits as an entire since the Christ of Resurrection, once explaining this phenomenon of an event upon which He is Lord, to Lazarus' two sisters, before raising him to life again. He, Jesus the spring of 1986 appeared to me, demonstrated this Phenom of a Blessed Hope to me, and since then, these thirty years it is the most by dreams, visions, vistations from heaven and my continue ascension to them, that majority of what I've seen.
     -This highly anticipated divinity of a rescue has all on a regular bases been about Jesus Himself capturing away the Bride, so you Millennial is that generation and only by your unbelief and a virtual outbreak of suicide are you doomed, and after that, judgement unto the second death/damnation, get Him, get Jesus!

Worshipping At The Hem Of Jesus' Garment, It Twilight Time

-Now last night, as a near to blind woman singed, now her cross she's to bear for him, or so she think, and all my Christ in heaven can she sing! I begin to imagine the woman with the issue of blood, a plague all of mankind is born to. All of mankind has an issue of blood called sin and Him, the Jesus she called Him, this single potentate for them.
-So I begin to imagine this woman singing was her, Veronica, and just how low to the ground was she, where this mob trampling and scrambling all over her thinking if only she could but get to his, Jesus's hem? Now she, this authenticity of all repentance, to lay on your face this worship, this prayer of asking forgiveness, of healing cursed blood, into this miraculous divine regeneration, Heir with Him.
     -Of course I begin to wonder, the last time I found myself at Jesus' hem, even as to kiss His Feet, this beyond amazing event. Meaningfully, I already knew what this made desperate woman was feeling. To be this close to Jesus, this seeming bottom feeder and just as suddenly lifted up to realize you're surrounded all around by Him, by Holy Spirits, it's Kingdom Reign. 
     -That's actually with Him, with Jesus, now standing the mount of Olivet, a twilight is come, but evening it shall be light, Jesus second coming, allied by the Bride. Reading to destroy the antichrist aim to destroy Jerusalem, and here is this incalculable for millions of years Heavenly Gathering, of Christ's Anointed and the Armies of heaven, Get Jesus, Get Him!, See here,


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